When does the smell start?

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by GumDispenser, Mar 31, 2009.

  1. I'm 3.5 weeks into flowering now. The buds are looking like this right now


    They DONT SMELL AT ALL! I put my nose right into the main cola and only smelled a faint smell of "plant".

    I'm waiting for the smell to appear before turning on my carbon filter.

    I don't want to be surprised either.. one day no smell, next day it's marijuanaland.
  2. You will start to get smell with resin production. So from now till the end. But over the next 2 weeks it will build steadily post 4 or 5 weeks is usually stink zone.
  3. Damn those buds showing up quick i think...Did u use just water or what nut?
  4. It's big bud strain. It's known to be quite quick at growing.

    It has a lot bigger to grow into.
  5. I'm just starting week 4 with my Blue God plants. I added a wee bit of fert with the last wattering and one plant really took off. Last night there was no smell. This morning I opened the closet door for fresh air circulation and WOW, a really spicy/vegitation smell hit me. It happened over night, but in reality it isn't that bad. It was just very strong when I opened the door because the area has no real outside ventalation so it was just building up all night.

    My plants are very small with the bigest standing *maybe* 5-6".


  6. You are definitely approaching the time when smell will start to explode. If stealth is required and you don't have an odor solution in place already, now is the time to desperately start searching for one! My last grow of one female plant flooded my whole basement with skunky good/badness. When I harvested the whole house reeked :eek:

    Good luck :D
  7. Explodes as in I have less than a day from smell starting to smell becoming a big problem?

    I got all the components to build a carbon filter, but it would take me a couple of hours to get the whole thing going :p

  8. No, no necessarily. But within the next few weeks (I would wager 1-2) the smell is going to go from sweet and pleasant to overpowering and uncontrollable.

    Take it from me and from my experience - get your solution completed NOW. If you wait until the smell explodes you are going to be under a lot of stress and could be discovered before you can put together a solution.

    I would get on this asap.
  9. I would strongly second this. Do not wait until your place stinks to address the problem. Take care of it now. Think about the big picture... The $200-$300 for filter and a fan are certainly cheaper then your bail would be.
  10. You're doing a DIY carbon filter? Which one are you using?
  11. I believe it all depends on the strain, but yea it will get stronger or maybe iits just one of those stealthy strain that don't smell very much

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