When does flowering begin and what to do?

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by k_God, Feb 13, 2014.

  1. I never really understood this but when does a plant start flowering?
    I don't have lights so I usually do outdoor grow but what are some important things I need to do when my plant begins it's flowering phase?

  2. when light is 12 hr or less it will start its budding phase. Flowering need less nitrogen and more p and k. Its not really that hard
  3. What if you start your grow during winter when there is less sun?
  4. #5 lilredrice, Feb 13, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 13, 2014
    im doing the same thing a winter grow, its 10 hr with sun so i add 2 hr of light , less sun mean it will have less light to grow and get bigger but it will still grow and bud, you might just loose a little yield thats all.
  5. Well how will I know if it's flowering if it's being raised in an environment with less then 12 hours of sunlight?
  6. #7 4ala2sk0a, Feb 13, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 13, 2014
    Because it will get buds...

    Their are sexing guides with pictures.
  7. Well I know this but I'm trying to get a higher chance to avoid getting a male plant. 
  8. you wont get male if you know forshure its a female plants, it will show sex in 2 week or less.
    It'll probably be like going 12/12 from seed...looks for signs of flowering once the plants mature...usually 4-6 weeks...
  10. True sex is determined by genetics I think. The environment determines things like hermies.
  11. Light leaks help make hermies too.
  12. #14 k_God, Feb 13, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 13, 2014
    "Wait", what?
    That's what you do when your plants start to flower. You wait, until they are ready to harvest. 
  14. Yup^

    Theres an old tale that says putting a banana peel in a paper bag with seeds and letting the peel ripen and replacing it when it gets a little too ripe, will help reg beans have a higher chance of being female due to some gases that are released from the peel... Idk but i got about 25 bagseed just chillin in my drawer gonna use them this summer so ill be trying the peel trick soon

    Worst comes to worst it doesnt work and its like i never even did it so its not like ill be taking a loss or something if it doesnt, sry guys im starting to ramble lol
  15. Your plant will show preflowers (pistils) after a couple months even if it is under 24/7 light. There is a hormone in the plant that is destroyed by light, once the light per day is less then 12 hours the hormone is allowed to create the byda. Generally plants take 60-80 days from the day you set the lights to 12/12 until harvest. I also cut back to 10 hours after one month of 12/12.. I believe it causes bigger harbest
  16. As others have said, flowering begins literally when the plant starts to grow out flowers (which includes pre-flowers). It's kinda like asking when you know a human is reaching sexual maturity, one easy way to know is to see if pubic hair is growing. But how do you know if pubic hair is growing? You look for it, and if you know what you're looking for it's obvious.
    Flowering does not necessarily start when you flip your lights to 12/12, as some believe. That is the flowering light cycle, but "flowering" is a plant life stage so look for the plant to be showing its changes.
    A winter outdoor grow (assuming you are outside the tropics) is not a wise approach. Your hours of sunlight will be continually increasing, which works against the hormonal changes you need for flowering, and the sun is very weak and has been subjected to spectrum shift due ot the tilt of the earth's axis. In nature MJ dies in winter, you have chosen an uphill battle that will minimize your results.
    Gender is genetically pre-determined, your plant will be either male or female based on the genes in the seed, not based on anything you do to it. The banana peel thing (release of ethelyne gas) does work on certain other kinds of plants, not MJ. Light leaks are part of "the environment."
  17. I live in AZ so sunlight and temperature isn't a problem.
  18. #20 lilredrice, Feb 13, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 13, 2014
    how is the sun weak? I have a light meter and put it under 1k watt and the sun it dosent show any less . And the light hr will increase but if he flower it this month it should be done by april or so, which will have about 12 and half sunlight. By then it should already be close to harvest which shouldnt matter

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