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When do high mids become dank?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Haximus, Jan 30, 2011.

  1. is it the combination of density + trichomes + hairs? how would you determine the difference between some good mids and some dank? :confused:
  2. When there completely seedless and uncompacted. Ive seen weed grown from a batch of proably 10differnt kinds of "mids" that whould rival any name brand strain. Its rare but there are some good strains of mids. In fact alot of the top strains genes proably started from seeds of weed that most of us whould consider "mids" or "swag".

    Its the handling-time-uncureing-seeds, that really make "mids" mids.
  3. im getting some good high mids at the moment almost dank but no dank smell
  4. Depends on the name :smoke:


  5. what if its no name?
  6. ehh, I've had what I considered dank from shit that looked like some good mids. It's just whatever the dealer wants to call it.
  7. #7 yoke420, Jan 30, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 30, 2011
    It doesnt have anything to do with strains, its quality.

    dirt (poop, brown, etc)
    dirt weed is usually brown, pressed together, often very dry, and seedy. not cured

    shwagg (reggs, regular, mids, middies, etc)
    mids are smokeable, usually dry, and usually dense from being slightly pressed, and not given the greatest care after harvest. usually not cured, or is poorly cured. middies are grown to sell and usually not for quality, it usually has seeds.

    highs (headdies, heads)
    usually seedless (sensimilla), though may occasionally have some small undeveloped seeds. headdies arent compressed, the buds have many soft little hairs and are covered in crystals. always cured

    dank (kine, top shelf, etc)
    dank bud is never compressed, it never has seeds, its usually handled and grown with the most care. dank is LOADED with crystals in each and every crevasse and under every little hair.

    hope it helps :wave:

    Headdies (my current bud) a hydrogrown bud
  8. Much like the line between genius and insanity, it's not clear cut, but dank shouldn't have a single damn seed, should be sticky as fuck, and smell lovely. Good mids might have one or two of those qualities, but not all.

    But really, its slang, so there is no CORRECT definition. Just relax and enjoy the smoke. Only worry about the "quality" when it comes time to buy. Once weed is legal, there will be no more shit brick mexican weed, mids will be the new swag.

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