When did we forget we were Human?

Discussion in 'Philosophy' started by smokintime, Dec 13, 2016.

  1. I am in my mid 40's and grew up in an age that people forgot that we are all one race, and that just because we do not look alike on the outside but as a paramedic for many years I have seen that we are all the same on the inside. Many of us claim to be religious because we go to church on Sundays and allow another to interpret what the book given to us says rather than read and interpret ourselves. We hate people who are not like us for that simple reason even though all religious books tell us that we are the caretakers of our fellow humans and the planet itself, both of which we ignore and a subject that most religious leaders stay away from. We waste resources and let people starve and live in squalor because we do not want to give up what we have even though we cannot take it with us. We elect leaders whose only interest is themselves and the power they now control, but if the shit hit the fan do you think they would help us the human race or save their own asses and those of their families and friends. Is it possible that humanity will do the right thing (we haven't yet in thousands of years) or will we continue to let tyrants and sycophants run our governments and keep seeing how little they will do to help the people around the world who need it. We have ruined the planet and no matter what the governments allow the scientists to tell you we have already passed the tipping point, could this be their way of population control as most scientists and anthropologists will tell you that we are now in the worse mass extinction since the dinosaurs. The world was yours,mine and all those born into it, their is no one person better than another, so why is it that 1% of the population controls 90%+ of the wealth, what makes them better than anyone else. Who decided long ago that humans had to be led rather than have the right to live their lives without leaders as long as there was peace and rules. A democracy of the people for the people by the people, not elected officials, a democracy were the people who live in the countries,states, etc..... each have a vote as to what happens where they live. Being my age and having not only friends the same age and now anyone over the age of 21 should not have to be told how to live their lives by someone who has never walked even 10 feet in our shoes let alone a mile. Every country, every government and every religion is made only to control the people whom they believe they have control over, the people have forgot we are the many and they are the few, and that it is the people who truly have the power if they just exercise their rights and not the ones given to them by other men throughout time but the ones they were given from birth that were taught and taken from them before they knew that they were being taken. I do not want people to violently take back what is theirs by right but to do it by showing the ones who think they are better than us that they are actually less than the rest of humanity as they only live to collect power and we all know power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. I say all of this as I have Pancreatic Cancer and my time is short but for those of you who read this I hope it will hit home and give all of humanity a chance to understand this world is theirs and if we keep going with the status quo the one true good thing given to humanity will disappear, we as a people are destroying everything good about this planet because those we consider more knowledgeable than ourselves need the resources to make themselves even more rich, even at the cost of the people who have lived in some of these areas for hundreds and even thousands of years. Just remember everything we do to make our lives easier makes us weaker as a species, here is something to think about, if the shit hits the fan, and soon it will, it always does can your children take care of themselves? Can they hunt,fish,build shelters and fires etc.......cause I ask again whose ass is our president-elect gonna save ours and the people he will swear to protect or his own and those he considers important. I wish no ill will to anyone on the planet even the leaders of all the countries but I hope they remember that their job is our protection and their peoples not just themselves. If not God help us all.
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  2. Very good post. I'm sorry to hear you have cancer.

    I think we forgot our humanity when people decided emotions make one "weak" and humans should only operate logically.

    Now logic is actually just apathy with little intelligence attached, and societies now have little emotional intelligence to care about their own neighbors.

    I also notice people who have more sympathy for someone suffering in another country than for someone suffering on the soil they share. An injustice anywhere is an injustice everywhere and we should all care about each other.
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  3. I appreciate your post and agree with almost everything but the sympathy for others, unfortunately most people now a day only have sympathy for themselves or for those who are only directly related to or in someway can benefit them back. Its sad that the only way to get help from stars,the rich or politicians these days is if they are getting publicity from it. We have become a race who was raised on greed and power when we were supposed to be the keepers of our brothers,instead we enslaved them and those who couldn't be enslaved were slaughtered, in the past we would have almost never seen these atrocities now with today's technology we see it everyday and yet we still do nothing because the people have become to scared of what speaking up might do to them or their families, or the representatives we elect sell themselves out to lobbyists or are to scared to speak out for whats right because they would rather sell their souls to keep their place in whatever department of government we elected them to. People have let greed, and possessions become their new religion, this is not all their fault as both religion and government work together to keep the truth from the people and to keep them docile and under control. If the world continues down the path its on now as with all things, time will eat what we leave behind after we have destroyed ourselves. The only truth in the Universe is that everything that begins........ends. Unfortunately we are allowing a few who think themselves better than us to run us to that end.
  4. Once upon a time long long ago the monetary system was invented which was about the time that all went to shit.
    Friend you're going to a better place, fear not.
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  5. Thank you my friend for that, but I have made my peace and raised 3 great children who respect life and all it has to offer,I haver been married 25 years to a woman who has stuck with me through my illness.It is not me I worry about, it is them and all the people who have sold their souls without even realizing it for material things that they can never take with them but could have been used to benefit all of mankind,we know we are running out of fresh water all over the globe and that climate change is causing the glaciers to melt, why have our governments not tried to capture this water?, there is enough to supply the world and with the water being removed we may be able to slow the loss of the glaciers, again though you have to wander why they haven't tried not one government.Imagine the water to bring much needed moisture to places like California, Africa, all countries suffering from drought. Again you have to wander if this is a way to bring down the population of the world. Unless we as a species that calls itself intelligent truly expresses our wills on the people we elect, and the other leaders of the free world then we will have allowed them to destroy everything given to man, all men no one person should have power, all the people should have the power to decide what happens to their world for ifthey dont then there will be no world left for us. We extinct animal life at a rate of 20 + species a day, we allow our politicians to break promises that have held for centuries ie: the Native American Sioux fighting for the little bit of land we left them so that oil companies can get richer allowing greed to be more important than the lives of an entire people.These are just the ones we are allowed to here about. How many civilians are killed for no reason in multiple countries daily, including ours. We as a race have to decide to sell our souls to get material items or to share our souls to help those who need it. My hope is for the second but my heart tells me it will be the first.The only true freedom we have is with our own body and mind, but until we learn to realize that we all need each other no matter our skin color then we will never become the True People we were supposed to be.
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  6. We have forgotten that we did not create this planet,it survived 4.6 billion with a B years without humanity, although I cannot bring myself to believe that there were no other just as advanced if not more advanced races on the planet before us, there are to many mysteries that can't be explained and I just don't see aliens traveling the distances between planets even at the speed of light some of these trips would take hundreds if not thousands of years just to build stone monuments........does this sound like the actions of a more than superior species. Instead we have learned that life is a wheel, what has happened before will happen again, only this time even with all the science,data and information we have decided to see if we can cause the extinction of every species on the planet, what do we care about the lives of other animals if we can't even bring ourselves to care about other people that live on this world with us who are forced to suffer everyday because humanity is cowardly when it comes to giving up their own comforts. I have heard climate scientists who have devoted their life to studying the earths climate who now say that by 2030 there will be no humans left on the planet, this is 13 years from now, how many signs from nature do we have to be hit in the head with before we go hey maybe we fucked up........ It saddens my soul to know that in the few years left to come that the suffering going on now is going to continue to speed up causing more and more conflicts that will bring death and disease, famine and drought and that all of it could have been stopped if we had remembered God gave this world to all of us not just the few who have controlled mankind and allowed the rape of the planet as well as its people to happen. Sadly whats funny, not funny ha ha but funny because of how it happened is we now have a person who is the soon to be leader of the greatest country in the world a country that all others look to for leadership getting ready to be sold out to every lobbyist that can actually move this person closer to the 9 billion dollars he claims to have, by the end of his Presidency he might actually have the money he claimed to have before the election, of course who says he is going to give up the power now that he has it. What you think the weapons everyone was so worried was going to be taken from them will be enough to stop a tyrant? Maybe in the days the constitution was written, but now he has tanks, fighter jets, armed drones, Apache helicopters, etc...... what you bought at Wal-mart is sold there for a reason. They don't want your weapons those they can deal with easily what they want are your freedoms and under the new Government controlled mainly by the republicans which means laws will be passed without much of a fight and your freedoms will slowly fade away, already the governments are allowed to spy on their own people without cause or warrants, troublemakers are forced to shut up or just disappear. Look at the few latest laws passed all with the ability to give the Government more power to act without civilians knowing,and the man we chose to take charge of these laws and to protect our freedoms is not only a publicity whore but a power hungry leader who wants to be a dictator. He idolizes those who are more than happy to cause suffering at the cause of business and greed or to further their own cause. Again I hope that humanity can wake itself up from the dream we have been forced to live in and take back the world that was ours from the day we entered it and finally remember that if the world is all of ours then there is enough for all and all we have to do is remember we were put here to survive but chose to destroy ourselves. If all we have to worry about is our survival with nature and not with each other then maybe, just maybe both will recover and the possibility to survive will become a reality and the world will be able to heal itself. To do this though we will have to understand that the times it takes todo this will be the hardest thing that humanity has had to deal with in true recorded history. Because we all know history is written by the winners and they never embellish or lie to make themselves seem more powerful,....more godlike. May all who read these at least consider the world today and then think of the world in the times of their children, if that time even exists.

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