When did racism originate?

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by Whohulkwalk, Oct 3, 2010.

  1. #2 Emblazened, Oct 3, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 3, 2010
    Racism did not start at a certain time. Prejudice serves a social function; people in ancient times would fear those who looked different for safety reasons, and oftentimes people of similar nationalities will group together out of comfort (think Chinatown, groups of immigrants to America [circa 1900] who lived in specific areas with countrymen, or any ghetto).

    Racism began being justified by social Darwinism in the 1870s (or so) around the time when European countries were colonizing Africa and sucking it dry of raw materials. From this time all the way back to Columbus's landing in the West Indies, race was used as a means to say "You are not white, therefore white people must come civilize you so you can assimilate into our ways." Of course we all know about slave trade which only perpetuated racial barriers, then finally the civil rights movement where discrimination by race was made illegal in the eyes of the law.

    Not fortunately or unfortunately, but just because, racism still exists today in many forms. White people make jokes about black people, black people make jokes about white people, minorities yell things as white people travel through minority areas, banks use redlining to prevent loans from going to minorities, real estate agents show white families to white neighborhoods and black families to black neighborhoods....the list goes on and on. Once more i want to reiterate that racism can be unfortunate, but exists just because that's how people are.

  2. when race originated.
  3. The structure of your skull. Apparently races differ in structure and size/shape of the skull throughout time, which houses the brain. All brains, the inner workings, the feelings and all that we are are all the same. The external housing, the skull, however differs.

    The same applies to skin color. On the inside we are all loving, bleeding human beings. On the external housing, we differ.

    We will always find something superficial to try and become better then one another. It's the dark side of the human condition, something that links us all together as humans.
  4. Remember the book the ugly duckling?

    Thats when.
  5. When all the white single celled organisms didn't wanna play with the black ones about 100,000,000 years ago..
  6. When pride and jealousy originated.

  7. he's right on it.

    actually emblazoned and i have taken part in similar conversations.
    the only thing that i would add is that it appears to be an autonomic response, housed in the brain stem or the so called "reptilian" portion of the brain. that is to say that racism appears to be an evolutionary response, but discrimination due to racism is more of a social thingy.

  8. this guy has the right idea
  9. Did not take a long time for someone to blame white people!

  10. Good answer
    I was so baked when I posted this thread I didn't even remember until just now.
  11. my vote for when racism started was when the very first illegal immigrants came to america, back when Indian's called them "the white man".
  12. Thanks man its a crazy topic
  13. You mean when the egyptians enslaved hebrews that was not racism?

  14. Ignore slavery in the racism debate, nearly every race has been enslaved by another. Its something that even exists in nature, as is racism, so truthfully racism comes with race, sexism with sex, hate with things to hate. Its human nature, in fact its overall just nature.

    I dont embrace this, i just have accepted it.

  15. Pretty much.
  16. race doesnt exist :)

  17. i know technically its "breeds" but for some reason people find that waaaaaayyyyyy more offensive.:devious:
  18. #20 Spikoli, Oct 12, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 12, 2010

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