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when did everyone get so sensitive?

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by gilligan77, Mar 17, 2012.

  1. like the title says, when did everyone get so sensitive? there was a time where people could have their own opinions, disagree with the masses, make jokes at the expense of another, and people understood that's how things went. nowadays, it seems like everyone get offended over the most miniscule bullshit. i'm not going to call out any specific blades, but i think people need to lighten up, it's all in good fun, life is but a game
  2. it's the feminization of the world I think. People care too much what other people think. not me.
  3. It's because the femi nazis emasculated the men
  4. I was just talking about this with a friend the other day...So much of this "political correctness" is such bullshit, it drives me a little nuts. Way too many overly-sensitive babies out there, whining about nonsense that doesn't really mean shit. Need to grow the hell up and get over it. The world can be a tough place, worry about the big things.
  5. an example of such nonsense would be?...
  6. People also used to be much more polite to one another regardless of the conversation medium, there used to be such a thing as tact and etiquette, and people these days tend to forget whether it's on the phone, online, or in person, that they are still talking to the same human being, and that human being deserves the same respect that you'd want, yourself...

    Plus, by being offended, that people are getting offended, that sort of lumps you right in with them. ;)
  7. Here's an example: Ben&Jerry's having to apologize for "Taste the Linsanity" flavor because it supposedly sterotypes Asian people (it had bits of fortune cookie as an ingredient) I have no prejudice against Asians, but it is true that every Chinese food restaurant I've ever been to does indeed have fortune cookies. What's the problem?
  8. BKS, you are right that basic civility towards others is rapidly going down the drain. My point is that we need to keep things a bit more in perspective. It's not a perfect world and never will be; Choose your battles over what is truly offensive, and what is something you just don't happen to agree with.
  9. hmm...idk man (linsanity is that lin guys nickname in the nba right?....idk if ben and jerrys have some sort of deal with mr lin but even if they DO have an agreement, idk what that would signify)...

    stereotyping, to me, is more like "black people can only appreciate fried chicken" kind of thing but this case...this linsanity doesnt come across as that to me...

    the reason i asked for an example is because it could be much better to evaluate every case individually...
  10. Here's another example: Those who want the word "retarded" deleted from the language. As in actally having to describe it as the "R-word" instead of the just saying the actual word. "Retarded" is a legitimate word used in various ways, meaning "slowed" or "delayed". I realize that there are those who use it in a less-than-polite manner, but really, we're not even supposed to say the word in any context?
  11. [quote name='"Fire Stone"']Here's another example: Those who want the word "retarded" deleted from the language. As in actally having to describe it as the "R-word" instead of the just saying the actual word. "Retarded" is a legitimate word used in various ways, meaning "slowed" or "delayed". I realize that there are those who use it in a less-than-polite manner, but really, we're not even supposed to say the word in any context?[/quote]

    I agree that stuff like this is ridiculous. However, I think people overall aren't more sensitive. It's like what BadKittenSmiles said, etiquette and civility have mostly gone down the drain. It's not sensitive to expect someone to treat you with respect if you show them the same respect.
  12. im from Mass so we say "retahhhded" all the time. its not a big deal over here
  13. My 12th grade English teacher used to call this one this one girl who would come into class late everyday "retardy." She actually had to apologize to the girl, and the girl was apparently just like "I honestly don't mind."

    I don't know if that second part is true, but I bet the principal (or whoever insisted on the apology) felt like quite a schlong.
  14. exactly! i live my own life i let others live theres screw what other people think of me thats their buisness.
  15. ehh, ppl just get worked up too easily, and you have to remember that some ppl get fired up easier on some issues than others.. thats always been like that.
  16. Its because of facebook and the internet. Now people can speak on any issue they disagree with and find supporters out there which in turn makes ot seem like a bigger deal because so many people wanna weigh in on it. Woth the shield of the interenet anyone can say anything with no consequence so theres also more blantantly mean people.

  17. Yeah because "caring what other people think" automatically equates to being feminine.:rolleyes:
    Honestly man, everyone cares what other people think in at least one way or another, you're lying to yourself if you believe otherwise.

  18. I got a 15 point infraction for telling someone to get their head out of their ass...

    People have turned into bitches =(
  19. [quote name='"Feelin Irie"']

    I got a 15 point infraction for telling someone to get their head out of their ass...

    People have turned into bitches =([/quote]

    Actually... we just try to keep gc as respectable and nice as possible.... huge difference between "being a bitch" and trying to keep peace

  20. maaaaaaaaaaaaaan, it's the internet. You need to understand that. Bah, I don't even want to argue this. take it easy :smoke:

    before you say how I want to be treated, I want to tell you, I don't mind people saying that to me, I dont get upset by a post on an internet forum, realize that.

    YOU ARE CENSORING MY SPEECH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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