When and where do you go on grasscity?

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by eveningtiger4, Apr 6, 2015.

  1. I'm always on grasscity, in class, when I'm not doing stuff, at work, taking a shit etc. You know when you lay in bed for like an hour and you know you have to get up to get dressed to do something but you just don't feel like it watching the time go away? That time is filled with tales of fellow blades adventures. Just got off 5 months probation (got off a month early) and even during that time of being completely sober I still went on grasscity daily. I think it's a great community with funny people and the occasional silly novice post about lighting a bowl or just discovering the herb is hilarious. So when and where do you blades like to burn off some time in grasscity?
  2. When I'm alone in the physical world and usually have some weed nearby usually but not limited to my house.
  3. When I'm at work, hanging around the house. Anytime I need to kill time. :Smoke:
  4. when i wake up and when i get bored.
    usually at home on my laptop.
  5. after i smoke 

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