whay would you blw up

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by Tonika Fatale, Feb 9, 2011.

  1. If you got a nuke bomb what would you use it on?:hello:
  2. Mmmm. Id keep it around till the end of the world then just blast the last part of goverment left around.
  3. to be honest, i would use it and its tracking device to find all the other nukes within the world, and then gather them up, and fly them off to the far eastern corner of the universe. never to cause any harm :)
  4. Washington D.C.
  5. I'd go for Hiroshima. Just to ROFL the internet.
  6. i'd sell it to the highest bidder. The hell do i need a nuke for? I don't wanna cause anyone harm, directly. If i just sell it, then i won't be DIRECTLY responsible for anything. plus i'm sure i could get some nice dough for it.
  7. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qRvz_0R6Oek]YouTube - stewie baseball bat lesson[/ame]
  8. Wut??!?!?!

    Probaly no one. I honestly cant think of a place I HATE....
  9. I would use on seattle or atlanta:devious:
  10. yeah fuck the kids
  11. North Korea, Russia, China, somewhere in that region haha.
  12. Hiroshima...
  13. Jerusalem. Troll the Christians hard
  14. but it's the muslims and jews fighting over mecca....
  15. I'm pretty sure the Christians love Jerusalem too. Fuck it even more reason, I get to troll the top 3 major ones.
  16. China for sure.
  17. Something CIA related...
  18. A nuke would definitely take out more than just one city.....

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