Whatsup From Lancaster

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by churnmybutter, Aug 8, 2010.

  1. What's goin on everyone? Relatively new to the site, I'm from the 215, but I'll be going back to Millersville in a few weeks to start my sophomore year. Anyone else?
  2. High and welcome, :wave:.
  3. You realize there's a Lancaster in like every state, right? :p
  4. Welcome to the City :wave:
  5. My bad...I figured most people would think of Amish Country when they saw 'Lancaster'.

  6. is amish weed a myth?
  7. I honestly haven't found that out for myself yet haha. Toking with an amish kid would be pretty awesome. :p
  8. Haha yeah that could be interesting.

    If I was amish, I would smoke. A lot.
  9. I know for a fact that we have some Amish User's on here who smoke. Just throwing that out there.
  10. pretty sure the amish dont use computers.
  11. I wish I knew who they were...

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