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What's your weed codename?

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by JuniorCain, Jan 19, 2006.

  1. I keep my stash in a Penguins mint can, so my friends and I refer to it as "penguin."
    My friend's brother and his friends call it "gravy."

    What do you guys call your pot when you don't want other people knowing what you're talking about?
  2. I just call it green.
  3. goofy boots :smoking:
  4. Herb. We don't have to use code names really, all my buddies rents and shit know we smoke. Shit, I can think of like 5 or 6 buddies parents I have smoked with.
  5. we dont really use a code. my mom asks me where me and my friends are going and we just say, we are going to go smoke some pot and fuck some bitches. and she just laughs, and we laugh, and she says alright, stay out of trouble.

    the funny thing is, she thinks we are joking!:yay:
  6. I have a friend who's last name is Levalley. We smoke all the time in his bedroom, so his home is referred to as "Blozz Valley"
  7. "weed" or "ganja" what the hell else you gonna call it? "trees"
  8. Hahaha yeah, that's kinda how it used to be for me. I'd joke around with my parents telling them I was out doing all kinds of illegal things, and my mom would say "Yeah, I know." and she would be joking. But now I'm 99% sure she knows I smoke and now I know she's not joking.
  9. My friends and I call it pizza. :D
  10. hahaha ^^^
  11. we simply call them cookies 'round my way
  12. I call it O'Dweeds.
  13. hamburgers :smoking:

    greenery :bongin:
  14. That is insane. That is what my friends and I call it too.
  15. sunflower seeds,ganja, lego
  16. shrubbery

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