What would be your ideal collection of pipes? Mine would be all glass. -a one hitter -a glass blunt -a chillum -a spoon -a sherlock bubbler -a mini zong -a ~16" traditional beaker bong -a ~16" scientific: single honeycomb stemless with a diffused tree perc and a shower head ash catcher. -a glass gravity bong would be cool too -e-nail -magic flight launch box with the optional whip ....all heady glass of course How about you? What's your ultimate collection?
solar-powered e-nail + dabs. I don't think it exists yet, but if the shit was solar powered I would be outside getting high all day long haha.
I'd be happy with a regular E-nail. But don't think I'll be spending upwards of $300 on one anytime soon.
I normally have a different batch each week so I never give it enough time to do any damage. Plus cooling it can add moisture to your product.
I said can not does. And its condensation from taking something out of a super cold space to a warm space. Ever see condensation on a cold glass? Same concept.
mmhmm definitely added an e-nail to the collection and a magic flight launch box with the optional whip
Nothing but headies. Heady ass spoon, sherlock, gandolf, hammer bub, mini rig, bong, and a recycler. I want one of them battery pack solar powered enails too.