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Whats your ultimate collection?

Discussion in 'Other Smoking Accessories' started by helloeveryone420, Nov 18, 2014.

  1. #1 helloeveryone420, Nov 18, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 18, 2014
    What would be your ideal collection of pipes?
    Mine would be all glass.
    -a one hitter
    -a glass blunt
    -a chillum
    -a spoon
    -a sherlock bubbler
    -a mini zong
    -a ~16" traditional beaker bong 
    -a ~16" scientific: single honeycomb stemless with a diffused tree perc and a shower head ash catcher.
    -a glass gravity bong would be cool too
    -magic flight launch box with the optional whip 
    ....all heady glass of course
    How about you? What's your ultimate collection?

  2. solar-powered e-nail + dabs.
    I don't think it exists yet, but if the shit was solar powered I would
    be outside getting high all day long haha.
  3. I'd be happy with a regular E-nail.
    But don't think I'll be spending upwards of $300 on one anytime soon.
  4. solar powered battery pack and an enail. Already a thing
    okay, well it's going to need a solar-powered cooler
    for my dabs to chill in! xD
  6. Why do you need to chill it?
    cooling down wax preserves the terpenes and makes it last longer
  8. I normally have a different batch each week so I never give it enough time to do any damage. Plus cooling it can add moisture to your product.
  9. what moisture? my wax comes in medical air-tight containers.
  10. I said can not does. And its condensation from taking something out of a super cold space to a warm space. Ever see condensation on a cold glass? Same concept.
  11. I am very meticulous with my temperature regulation for
    my flower and concentrates, I assure you.
  12. #12 helloeveryone420, Nov 18, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 18, 2014
    mmhmm definitely added an e-nail to the collection
    and a magic flight launch box with the optional whip
  13. I'll develop this as soon as I'm out of college
  14. Nothing but headies.  Heady ass spoon, sherlock, gandolf, hammer bub, mini rig, bong, and a recycler.  I want one of them battery pack solar powered enails too.

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