What's Your Smoking Routine?

Discussion in 'General' started by munwa, Mar 21, 2013.

  1. I was watching Half Baked, and it inspired me.

    Everyone has a smoking routine, what's yours?

    For me, I live with my parents, so I have to pretty stealthy. I lock the door to my room, light incense, and put on some Bob Dylan. Then I grab my lighter, a locked leather martini case containing a knife sheath (holding my weed and one hitter), and a box of matches. I go into my bathroom (I have a separate bathroom inside of my room), turn on the fan, turn on the shower, and light up. When I'm done, I put everything away and light a couple matches to get rid of the smell.
  2. Generally I decide I want to smoke. Like really ponder it, make sure this is the perfect time. Then grab my weed, break up one or two bowls. Take my pipe and load it up. Then bring all my materials out to my balcony.

    Once I have everything set up and have drinks (maybe snacks if I'm munching) then I sit in my chair.

    Once I'm comfortable I turn on some tunes and take the fattest rip I can. By fattest rip I can I mean as much as I can inhale without coughing it all out. Just to jump-start everything you know?

    Then I'll finish that bowl and load another if I'm feeling like it.

    Between all my hits I browse GC or other websites, on average for 3-5 minutes if I'm alone. In groups all of this goes out the window and we just light up wherever.

    I like my ritual :smoke:
  3. I smoke pretty regularly, so I've definitely got a routine. Usually it's right after I get off work. I come home, sit at the end of my parents bed and usually smoke them up. Talk about my day, etc. My real routine starts after they're done.

    I go upstairs to my room, turn on my laptop so I can browse my usual sites, and pack a bowl. Once I've got my stuff ready to smoke I turn on my 'Stoned Playlist' on my iPod or YouTube which consists of a lot of chill and laid back songs. I do that for a while before I lose myself in an activity (either reading, writing, TV, or games). I end up munching myself out of my high or smoking myself to sleep.

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