what's your sign?

Discussion in 'General' started by boombiddy, Feb 25, 2010.

  1. poll going up
  2. I feel like Aquarius will have the most. Soo many February birthday that I know of at least

    Im an Aquarious
  3. Gemini , June 9th
  4. Leo Baby..........

    Who's with me?

    Together we can rule the world.
  5. I'm Libra and Scorpio

    cusp baby, bitches
  6. gemini whaddapppppp!

    so far we got the most :p
  7. LIBRA baby. gotta represent those hand scales :hello:
  8. Aries here.

    and Proud of it.
  9. Scorpio, helllll yeah!
  10. Aries and damn proud. :)

    Fuck a scorpio
  11. Leo

    August 4th
  12. I have absolutely no clue... astrology is bullshit.
  13. Im the only Sagittarius so far?

    signs are pointless though
  14. born on the pisces-aries cusp
    most desirable cusp, but my birthday's on march 19th, so technically i am a pisces.

    signs aren't pointless i'm sick of hearing it. it's not just the sun sign that makes a personality, thus there aren't only 12 personalities.
    there's the sun sign, most commonly heard about.
    the moon sign, ascendant sign, and every other planet holds a zodiacal position at your time and location of birth.
    for example, let's say your ascendant is in 14.1 degrees aries. that'd qualify for second decan (1st decan is 0-10.00 degrees, 2nd is 10.00-20.00 degrees, 3rd is 20.00-30.00 degrees), and each decan has it's own characteristics that are different from other decans.

    the sun sign represents your individuality
    the moon sign represents your emotions
    the ascendant is how we appear to the world
    mercury represents your speech, thought, inquiries, communication
    venus represents your evaluation, attraction, joy
    mars represents your action, initiation, energy
    jupiter represents how we expand our mind, body and our environment
    saturn represents limitation, discipline, responsibility, rejection, "must do"
    uranus represents invention, inspiration, freedom, awakening
    neptune represents transcendance, delusion, mystery, dissolution
    pluto represents regenerate, purge, eliminate, redeem, transformation
    (Astrology: The Planets)

    also the north node represents "the direction, area and manner in which the being seeks his or her destiny"

  15. i am a virgo, surprisingly the description i read was very much the same as my actual personality
  16. [​IMG]

    yeah don't fuck wit me
  17. aries is the shit.
    fuck leos
  18. [​IMG]

    Sup. Check out my horns.

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