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Whats your plans for thanksgiving?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by PanterAtool, Nov 19, 2011.

  1. What you blades doing for thanksgiving? Smokin'?

    I'm staying home with my family, my girls gonna be here so I can smoke get some booty and eat;) :smoke:

    What about you?
  2. I scored an edible that's extremely potent (I've had it before) and I'm going to eat half of it before I get in the car with my parents so that I'm high by the time we get to the mountains :D then thanksgiving dinner!
  3. Vape weed and eat turkey.
  4. Wake-n-Bake...Then make a big dinner for my aunt and I.

    Gonna have turkey, ham, mashed tatars, stuffing (home made)
    also corn, gravy, and cranberry sauce (home made).

    Gonna make a pumpkin spice bread and a NY style cheese cake.

    Followed by watching the cowboys loose :laughing:

    Take a nap, munch on leftovers and surf CG the rest of the night :wave:
  5. 1. Smoke mucho weed
    2. Eat mucho turkey
    3. Me Gusta
  6. get baked, cook
    then get even more baked, smash hella food
  7. [quote name='"drakeofclubs"']I scored an edible that's extremely potent (I've had it before) and I'm going to eat half of it before I get in the car with my parents so that I'm high by the time we get to the mountains :D then thanksgiving dinner![/quote]

    Nice! I just got an 8th! I wanna try edibles so bad I have yet to.
  8. an 8th would be nice to if I was going up alone D: but edibles really will be fun!
  9. My whole Thanksgiving is going to be spent making sides, Turkey, prime rib, pumpkin pies, etc. Then after the whole feast, I'll probably toke it up till I pass out. Ah how I love Thanksgiving.
  10. Smoking with my 2 sisters for the first time... We're gonna have a share a blunt, then pound some turkey.
  11. Wake up
    Play some Uncharted 3 while drinking a bottle of champagne
    Eat turkey shitfaced around 3-4 with family
    Hang out with cousin/play Batman

    Its gonna be good. But my dealer left for the holidays so im dry for the time being.
  12. smoking someone up for their very first time, there is no greater joy!
  13. Get really high with my cousin , uncle, and maybe cousin in law. Off some mango that my uncle grew. Then join the rest of my family for a dank meal. We have Cristal as well :)
  14. Sounds fun everyone. I can't wait to stuff my face.
  15. [quote name='"drakeofclubs"']
    an 8th would be nice to if I was going up alone D: but edibles really will be fun![/quote]

    I wanna fucking move to the mountains haha love that shit.
  16. [quote name='"Madian"']Wake up
    Play some Uncharted 3 while drinking a bottle of champagne
    Eat turkey shitfaced around 3-4 with family
    Hang out with cousin/play Batman

    Its gonna be good. But my dealer left for the holidays so im dry for the time being.[/quote]

    Yeah as for me Ill be playing skyrim a lot
  17. [quote name='"pinacolaaadas"']My whole Thanksgiving is going to be spent making sides, Turkey, prime rib, pumpkin pies, etc. Then after the whole feast, I'll probably toke it up till I pass out. Ah how I love Thanksgiving.[/quote]

    Sounds tasty!!
  18. I honestly am not able to play that game stoned, it gets way too confusing for me xD
  19. [quote name='"drakeofclubs"']
    I honestly am not able to play that game stoned, it gets way too confusing for me xD[/quote]

    Haha yeah I end up walking around forests.
  20. I'm glad you asked. I will be getting my GC bubbilicious the day before and toking for the first time in 67 days :bongin:

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