So guys what does your forum name mean? Some people have crazy aliases and everyone has a story behind it. Ill start. I got my name from a Edit:The Cool Kids (Thanks Mos_Def haha) song which I just fell in love with and is currently my favorite song.
I did man. Thats the first thing I did haha. I checked the first page on the search and didnt see one. I was surprised but at the same time figured there had to have been one at one point in time.
It's cool with me. I don't mind posting in repeat threads, especially with newer Blades. Some of the original threads you find on the search site have THOUSANDS of replies. It's ridiculous to read thru, and is no longer current. Some here can get "butthurt" so just be prepared
Mine is obvious! I have about 200 dart frogs in my collection and tons of froglets and tadpoles, it is an awesome hobby.
Haha thanks for the heads up bro. Ill be ready for the butt hurt kids Ohhh and to Poison, thats so AWESOME! If you can could you post a pic? Thats does seem like a bad ass hobby. Are they expensive?
Theres actually a few of these, but I guess its been a while since its been bumped. This was my gaming name on BF2. Also, its satsujiN. Its Japanese for murder/homicide
You can buy them from ~$30 to $500 depending on what you're buying and how old it is. There are many, many more in the hobby than the few pics below, but I don't want to hijack too much. is an awesome forum for dart frogs and their care, check it out if you're interested.
Mine was the name of my Warcraft character. I wanted Manticore in WoW, but someone took it already. Looks cooler with the k I think anyway.
@poisondartfrog. Damn those are pretty cool. Although i see no frogs at all in the last 2 pictures. Also i disected a frog once, it was interesting. My name is based on my location and how i enjoy 420
the ancient egyptian goddess bastet is called the "devouring lady"...somehow I got all into that shit