Do you like it? Did it require college? Would you recommend it? I'm just starting college and I'm looking for new career ideas!
[quote name='"bsuttoi"']Do you like it? Did it required college? Would you recommend it? I'm just starting college and I'm looking for new career ideas![/quote] I have sex with your mother every night and in return she makes me eggs and pays me $100 a day. I definitely recommend it the pays great and your mom isn't half bad in the sack.
I work for the CA Department of Social Services. I screen applicants for aid (for food stamps and whatnot) and evaluate applications and do filing work. It does require college, usually. I got lucky and was hired without a degree based upon my grades, and because of recommendations from the directors of a few homeless shelters I regularly volunteer at. Would I recommend it? Sure, it's not a difficult job at all. Most of the time I'm on here posting while on the clock haha. I get my work done quickly first thing in the morning, and then just do whatever as it comes for the rest of the day.
Masonry, carpentry, and painting mostly. No it didn't require college. But, I like hands on physical work over being in a cubicle. Plus, working outside smoking during breaks is very enjoyable I would recommend engineering or something of the sort if you would be interested in any of my occupations and your already going to college.
[quote name='"WhyHelloYouX"']Who cares what others are doing. Do what YOU like doing. You know who you are right?[/quote] I do know what I like doing, I love art and writing but so many jobs are out there that you don't think about or don't even know exist! That's my only reasoning in creating this thread.
POV Operator for Reality Television. Shot the first season of "Prank My Mom" which airs on Lifetime first week of October ands on YouTube Pays real good and requires 0 schooling. Everyone I work with that went to film school said it was the biggest waste of money and time ever. Just a bunch of debt and your behind 2-4 years besides the fact you learn everything you need on the job Fa sho cause it's almost always different
If I accept you as you are, I will make you worse; however, if I treat you as what you are capable of becoming, I make you better. Off topic but i love that signature