If you had to estimate how many times you've been high and how long each time how many days high would you be? I'll go first. I'm a casual smoker and will only do it when I know I don't have any worries but id have to say at least a day. I'm 1 day High!
You mean if we add up our hours of high? Probably a few weeks maybe a month and a few days though but that sorta sounds high but i guess if like 2 hours each time it could be right
I've smoked five times, each high lasting roughly around three hours... (we don't play around... we smoke a helluva lot when we do) so around fifteen hours probably
I gonna have to estimate this.... 1 year of smoking, almost always after work, get off at 5, home and high by 6, all the way to atleast 8? Sometimes longer but I just wanna estimate... 365x2 = 730 hours.... divided by 24 = ~30 So I guess give or take a months worth of being high? lol
It would be easier to calculate the time I spent not high, Sent from my ST26a using Grasscity Forum mobile app
Asking a bunch of stoners to remember something is never easy haha but who knows I've been smoking for around 7 years now with 5-6 of those being an everyday smoker. Way too much math for me I barely made it through college algebra. Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
I have been smoking for 10 years and well, even before I smoked math was never my strong suit. Sent from my SGH-I747M using Tapatalk
8 years of smoking all day everyday. I did take a couple years of a break while I was in the army. Sent from my burner
Hmm I've been smoking since I was 16, so 5 years ago now. But I quit smoking for a year. I smoked all day for about 2 years, each high was about a half hour of noticeable buzz. So I'd say around 19 months.
Thats very tough... I smoke very consistently for a while in high school... I'd say it'd be around 12 months.
Been smokin for 3 years so i guess 2 months. I think i calculated that right Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum mobile app
I've been smoking since I was 14, but i've taken many long breaks from it since. I'm 20 now. Honestly though there were some summers back when I was 16-17 where I'd literally be high every waking moment. First thing I'd do when I woke up in the morning would be to pack a fat bong rip, and I generally wouldn't stop until I passed out that evening. So i'd say probably 6 months at the very least, probably alot more in all likelihood. The herb has been a big part of my life so far
25 years....and I know there was 5 year stretch where it was all day every day without fail.... I miss that dealer. ...since then it has just been more days out of a year then not....lol