What's your favorite season and why?

Discussion in 'General' started by Nathan, Sep 5, 2010.

  1. #1 Nathan, Sep 5, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 5, 2010
    As we approach the beginning of a new season, I thought I'd ask you blades. Mine is Autumn, the temp is warm enough where you can still hang outside if you wear warm clothes (which I think are way more comfortable then summer clothes) and it's cold enough to have more energy and make the air fresh. Also, you can't beat the smell and the way everything looks you get with autumn.


    Winter and Summer are tied for 2nd.
  2. Summer. I have a love/hate relationship with it.

    On one hand its a beautiful time of year. Sunshine, everything is blooming, people are having a great time

    On the other hand, it gets hot as fuck down here...
  3. down here we have cold and hot, seasons do not exist. currently it's hot.

  4. What state?
  5. texas, I live on the border

    was a bit of an exaggeration but not really, I never felt a huge difference between them. you got cactus and dead shrub all year long
  6. fall harvest time........weeds a plenty

  7. I think I would go insane if I lived there. I was raised up here though, so I'm used to the changes and expect them.
  8. What part?
  9. quoted for truth!
    Winter- snowboarding, snowmobiling, hot chocolate. Can't get any better!

  10. oh yeah can't wait to get out, if anything it makes visiting other places much more fun haha

    el paso senor
  11. Spring for sure. Perfect weather. Not too hot, not too cold.

    Plus my birthday's in spring.
  12. summer nights are the shit, morning dips in the pool are sick

    snow is awesome, cabins are dope, and snowboarding is a lot of fun

    gotta love the trees in autumn and the flowers in the spring

    ionno though, i voted summer
  13. It's definitely a tie between Winter and Fall. I love Winter because of the holidays and overall atmosphere of the holidays. The family togetherness, usually everybody is always in a good mood and getting along. It's awesome. I love Fall because of the same reaons the OP stated.
  14. The thunder storms in spring are pretty badass. I remember one time I was walking back home and the sky was filled with black clouds.
  15. #15 Royksopp, Sep 5, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 5, 2010
    We don't have a real fall or spring here (seriously). It's either summer or winter and I prefer winter. Doesn't really start until January but I remember last year there was like a 3-4 week span of it going up to like 45 during the day and it being in the mid-high 20's and 30's at night. :eek: That is soooo not South Florida weather at all! I loved it even though I woke up trembling lol.

    In October of 2008 I lived in GA for a month with my ex. I actually experienced a real fall! It was awesome. Finally got to see leaves change color. We also went on a weekend get away to North Carolina/Tennessee and it rocked. Lemme find some pics.

    Tennessee Sunset:

    North Carolina (in the morning)

    North Carolina






    TN Sunset

    Well, that definitely brought back memories...


  16. Yeah but that fucked up the fruit down there. Oranges I think.
  17. Fall in New England is absolutely my favorite time of year.
  18. #18 Royksopp, Sep 5, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 5, 2010

    Oranges, tomatoes, etc. I can't tell you how many times I've gone to Wendy's and they've had signs saying they were out of tomatoes because of either the cold or hurricanes :laughing: Wendy's is always the FFC that gets affected here cuz everyone else will still serve tomatoes (I think). I remember when I tried going outside to smoke, I had to wear like 3 pairs of pajama pants, two shirts, two hoodies, it was awesome LOL everyone here was so miserable talking about it being too cold. I remember one night, NO ONE went out. It was a Saturday night and everyone stayed home cuz they couldn't handle 26 degree weather :laughing: it kinda sucked for me cuz my window didn't close all the way and I live on the top floor and with the wind...uufff my room would be freezing in the morning. Lol. The temp in my house would be like 55 every morning. I want winter back!!!! Our-ghetto south Florida wanna-be winter :laughing:
  19. Fall in new England line pene said, and because of the reasons OP stated.

    Fucking love the smell and the fresh crisp air. Nothing like a pickup football game in fall or gettin wasted.

  20. PSHHHHHH, In the middle of winter it's normally 10 degrees here and it gets in the negatives a couple of times a mouth, 2 years ago the whole state pretty much shut down because it got -15 for a few days and the cars wouldn't start. By the time it gets to march, people wear shorts when it's 35 because they get so used to the cold lol.

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