Whats your diet consist of?

Discussion in 'General' started by budsmokn420, Aug 31, 2011.

  1. So im wondering what all you guys and gals eat on a regular basis. Not specifically which foods, but health wise.

    Pick an option from the poll and explain why you choose to eat that way.

    Personally I eat very healthy and pay attention to every little thing I put in my mouth but thats just me. I don't look down on other ppl who don't do that. I just feel like I owe it myself to be healthy and enjoy my life to the fullest and also to my family so I can live a long life and be around for my kids and others who love me.

  2. gotta love em greens...but usually im down for anything organic
  3. I'm between extremely and moderately healthy. I was American diet for a while why I was injured, but now that I've put on a bit, going back to my stricter diet.
  4. Fruits, vegetables and chicken, mostly. Every once in awhile I'll have a soda or candy bar.
  5. Standard american. last time i had a veggie was some sliced tomatoes wtih salt and steak and friend potatoes. but i don't drink pop:). not sure why lol I just don't drink it much.
  6. I try to eat healthy
  7. im pretty damn healthy. i mean i dont eat vegetables everyday....i dont like vegetables. but my most unhealthy meals are like grilled chicken and shit. trust me im healthy. pretty conscious about my fried chicken and shit. although i can never resist chicken wings.
  8. #8 jimbobbybob, Aug 31, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 31, 2011
    tomatoes really aren't that healthy for you (they are but not as much as you'd think)...and they're also a fruit not a vegetable :S

  9. Moderately healthy. Lots of chicken, vegetables, and whole grain. No soda and no fast food unless a burrito from Chipotle falls under that category.

  10. Lol any fruit or veg is healthy...you can't eat too much of them.
  11. haha yeah i was joking, but yeah it's not good to eat too many tomatoes, i heard...no source...that too many is bad for your body cause too much of something i really don't know hahahaha could be completely wrong
  12. I really need to start eating better.
    Im not overweight or even the slightest bit close. I'm skinny and muscular, very athletic looking

    But under all of that, im in bad shape. I eat a lot of pizza, horrible microwavable meals and shit.

    I've really been trying to drink a strawberry and banana smoothie every morning, hopefully it will give me at least a little bit of nutrition
  13. I picked the standard american diet, but I'm probably in between standard american and moderately healthy. I eat pretty bad at times, but I try to still get in my greens and veggies and healthy foods, just dont do it on an every day basis.

    my girlfriend recently had her galbladder out, it runs in her family. But from doing research about it, alot of people have to get their galbladders out because of all the greesy and fried foods we eat now, and how the body cant process all those complicated fats. Reading about galbladders and other digestive problems has made me want to get healthier.
    I was just talking to my girlfriend today about cutting fast food out of my life completely, or only having it once a month.

  14. Yea fresh fruit and vegetables smoothies are a great tasting and satisfying way to get good nutrients.

    If you add more raw fruits and veg to your diet everyday, you will notice you will feel better and have more energy.

    Also just because someone looks good on the outside, doesn't mean they are healthy. What's on your inside is what really counts. You can look healthy but eat junk food everyday and when your 50 you can still have a heart attack even if you still look in shape.

  15. Yep that's right...good on you for thinking bout making a change! Wish you luck!
  16. Ill eat whatever I can find. From deep fried Twinkies to raw carrots and broccoli.

    I guess ill put myself in the second group
  17. Honestly to say I eat a lot of unheathy food yeah its bad for you I know.

    But I love healthy food from whole grain to your fruits and veggies if anyone gets what i'm saying.

  18. Lol you guessed it. That's not true at all. Actually it's easier on the digestive system to eat "mono meals" (a meal of just 1 type of food I.e. 2lbs of grapes).

    Although you do want to make sure you don't do mono meals long term cause you need to get a full range of nutrients everyday. It is good to detox and go on like a watermelon fast for example though. You can eat only watermelon (or any other fruit) for like a week straight to flush out toxins but then after that you go back to eating like you normally would. The only thing I wouldnt reccomend doing is doing mono meals on anything other than fruits or veggies.
  19. moderately healthy. I always have a salad, a soy protein smoothies and these fruit bars at work for my first break, and strawberry and blueberry yogurt for the second one. At home I can't really eat healthy since my mom doesn't cook/buy health conscious things all the time, so when she cooks I only have a little bit. I started cooking for the family and when I pick the meal it's something like baked chicken or fish with rice or simple things like that. But I have my junkie days and when I do, it's so bad lol. I'm talking two bk stackers or cheeseburgers (maybe three if I'm hungry enough) bad. I eat pretty well enough to not feel bad about those moments though.

  20. I get what you mean. I love healthy good, whole grains, love fresh vegetables and fruit. But I eat fast food/bad food for the reason lots of people do, its quick and cheap and easy.

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