I feel like the only time I can concentrate or do some creative thinking is in the early AM, listening to some mellow rock, taking a hot shower. It's kind of hard to write an essay in the tub though Is there a certain time or place or something you do where you can concentrate best?
I concentrate best at these hours. Hardly any distractions. My most creative time would have to be when I first wake up tho. It's like I bring a part of the dream world with me when I wake up. Only last for about 15 mins tho, so I try to knock out as much stuff as I can every day at that moment
When it rains, or its cloudy out. That type of weather inspires me, I'll come up with some really cool shit on the guitar.
Late at night when everyone is asleep (I am generally a night owl). A cup of coffee, a nice desk with my computers and a nice bowl of dank. I'll be writing/drawing for hours!
When I'm on a plane, staring out of a window. You would not believe how large a percentage of my epiphanies come from those moments. Although I do fly a lot, metaphorically and literally.
i think best tome would be early in the morning before the sunrise , its the time you are fresh to restart thinking , think new ideas start with new imagination