whats your argument to non smokers?

Discussion in 'General' started by mae, Jul 17, 2007.

  1. I feel myself being bitched out more and more by people for smoking weed. My number on argument I have for them is, "you live your life, and ill live mine" or "dont knock it unitl you try it"

    Its just plain annoying and rude when people judge and think just because you smoke weed your a piece of shit, I can't even count how many assholes have said degrading comments just because I was stoned....

    So when someone comes up and starts to bitch at you for smoking weed, whats your number one argument to shut them the fuck up?
  2. both sides need to see the other sides point so tell them that you've tried not smoking weed and it wasn't for you. now its their turn
  3. I's say i love smoking weed you don't i don't bitch at you for being a little straight edge sober kid as a matter of fact i dont care wut u do so u shouldnt care wut i do then you gotta add the BITCH!!
  4. i dont care if people do or dont, I dont flaunt my habits or criticize their lifestyle.

    theres alot more to people than wether they smoke weed or not
  5. i never argue about my decisions or explain myself needlessly... :smoke:
  6. That hasn't happened to me recently, although I do get on people for still smoking cigarettes.
  7. Usually I just blow it off which makes them look like the jerks and if hey keep going I just tell em not to worry about me its not their place or their business and not to get in my business
  8. I get really pissed off when people talk shit about pot heads when they don't know what the fuck they're talking about. My advice to is educate yourself about it. I've done the research. Check out groups like NORML or FLCAN or MPP . These are all groups that are working towards legalizing pot, and they are all more than happy to tell you anything you want to know about pot.

    One of the biggest things that pisses me off though, is all of the anti-pot propaganda put out their by companies who lobby against the legalization of marijuana. For instance, that alcohol companies spend millions maybe billions I'm not totaly sure on the exact numbers, but lots of fucking money every year to lobby against the legalization of marijuana because they know if people start smoking pot, they're not going to want to drink as much, because pot is a SAFER ALTERNATIVE that wont result in a hang over. tons of people die every year from alcohol and tobacco. Not one death has been blamed on pot in the past 5000 years or more that it has been used as medicine in ancient times and yes there are biblical refferences to the medicinal use of marijuana also.

    Another Big problem are pharmaceutical companies. These mother fuckers have all the money in the world to keep pot illegal forever if we don't do something about it. These companies not only lobby against the legalization, but they also lobby for harsher sentances (mandatory minimum sentancing) for drug offenders. This is smart on their part because it takes their competition off the streets. Their agenda is to take the most highly addictive drug (amphetamines) and get every kid hooked on it at a young age. Aderol, ritilin, however its spelled, you know what I'm talking about. Doctors are given elaborate expensive vacations for prescribing these drugs to kids. Its a program like if you give out this many scripts you're going to hawaii! So basicly they hook young kids on speed at a young age to ensure they're lifelong customers, cut out all the competition by lobbying for harsher mandatory minimum sentancing, and on top of that lobby against the legalization of marijuana because they don't want people growing their own SAFER medicine in their back yard because it would be free and not profitable for them. In the states where medicinal pot is legal many parents actually preffer to give their kids pot as opposed to these other chemicals, because scientific studies have PROVEN that all of these chemical medicines like aderol/ritalin, are causing worse depression, higher suicide rates and all sorts of bullshit. And NONE of this is associated with pot. Its obviously a much SAFER alternative.

  9. fuck none smokers, more weed for me
  10. I dont have an arguement because it is pointless to argue about it. We live in a relativist world. People will think they are right even when you prove them wrong. Debate is only effective when the opponent is a logical objectivist. When someone tries to break my balls I say "I have lived sober and I have lived stoned. You have only lived sober. Who do you think is more qualified to judge the differences between being sober and being stoned, me... the person who has done both, or you the person who has only been sober".
  11. I usually don't bother. If I broke down every myth to every person, I'd go fucking crazy. As the OP said, I tell them "Don't knock it till you try it" and leave it at that.
  12. This is a real situation that happened to me:

    (Me sitting quietly on a park pench smoking a spliff by myself and some jerk walks over.)

    Jerk: "What the hell are you doing smoking weed in a public park?"
    Me: "Im minding my own business, the same thing you should be doing"
    Jerk: "You will get brain damage smoking that, and probrably go nuts. Besides what about the young children you are influencing."
    Me: "Im sitting here not distubing anyone, pity I cant say the same for other."
    Jerk: "You will have to leave if you are going to do that here man"
    (By this time I was pissed off)

    Me: "Listen wanker, I saw you sitting over there wih all your chavvy mates drinking cider. While im sitting here harming no-one you are partaking in one of the leading causes of death in the country. There are many differences between us, like the fact that I'm not an Argos jewellry wearing twat, but the biggest one is that when i#I get high, I sit around and watch a movie with my mates or play a video game or something, whereas when you drink you probrably go pick a fight with the nearest person, and get all your chavved up mates to help. I hope you enjoy it while your liver is dissolving and you end up sitting in an AA meeting when your 30, looking like a fucking tramp. Now piss off before I shove my fist do far down your throat that I can rip off your underwear label."

    (At this point he left and I thought woohoooooooooo, score one for the glorious weed.)

    Peace out guys and Gals

  13. I dont really care what people think, i smoke weed and have fun doing it.
  14. I really dont have those kinda people around here(w00t for hippy town). Im not sayin you can tell a stoner when you look at him/her. But some kids its really obvious and others its not...im one of the others. Until someone walks into my room and see's my pipes on my PC they never know. And by that point they are like w/e. If someone yells at me for it, I basically tell them its my life, I live it the way I want to. Or given the circumstances if they are confused on it from all the bullshit propoganda ill show them NORML and let them see that its really not as bad as the gov. says it is.
  15. They don't know what they're talking about at all so...

    I usually tell them to go on wikipedia and read the truth about marijuana from an unbiased point, and most people understand I'm a very reasonable and responsible person.

    But also people don't know I smoke and I'd like to keep it that way.
  16. I don't really associate with people who can't wrap there heads around a lifestyle as natural as smoking weed.

    at this point, i think if someone were to give me any shit about it i'd probably just laugh and ask them to fuck off.
  17. well normally when people hate they're drinking and its at a party so I say something like "Its safer than drinking, and no one ever smoked too much weed and died"
  18. That vid that you had of kat was soo true haha
  19. I've had people who have no problem going out and getting shitfaced drunk tell me that I'm a stoned out loser. All I tell them is that they do more damage to themselves then I do and that they shouldn't talk shit about something they have never tried.

    Oh how I love hearing "I don't need to try it, it has nothing to offer."

    I don't tell people they're wrong for drinking or smokign cigarettes, that's their choice. I just wish they would show us the same fucking respect.
  20. shit it pisses me off... most friends look at me different and they think weed fucks up ur brain alot, they REALLY believe that... and they feel sorry for me and the things they say... wow i just wanna laugh at them once they find out that weed isn't as bad for you. AND NOW because everyone knows i smoke weed they think im an alcoholic as well... but i only drink like once a month. But im just the same person like i always was... IGNORANT FOOOOOOOLS

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