What's Wrong With the US and How To Fix It

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Johny Potsmoker, Sep 1, 2012.

  1. America is supposedly the land of the free, yet we have the highest amount of incarcerated persons ON THE PLANET. That's right, the US has 608 more incarcerated per 100,000 people than the ever so free nation of China! The sad thing is, is that most of the detainees are in prison for marijuana possession. (over 2/3) Yet a vast majority of politicians have admitted to 'inhaling', so why do they continue to make laws to imprison people for doing something that in no way warrants time behind bars? I'll tell you why. It's strictly political. The big corrections corporations such as the CCA (Corrections Corporation of America) spend over $25M a year on lobbyists to keep the laws on marijuana and immigration as strict as possible, to ensure they continue to see profit. These people clearly love capitalism, so why not make a (vast) profit the "good 'ol 'Mericuhn" capitalist way by doing something that wouldn't totally make you a piece of shit human being? Instead of investing money in the corrections system, why not invest in making marijuana completely legal and starting the first weed franchises? I'm more a socialist than a capitalist, but that would certainly lower taxes from the lack of inmates in prison, and the tax revenue generated from the government owned dispensaries would certainly take a burden off of the American tax payer.
  2. Whats wrong?: Everything

    HOW TO FIX?: [​IMG]
  3. He wants to privatize every little aspect of this country. When something is in the private sector, the primary objective is to make more income than what you spend, this makes goods and services suffer. Should we really have education and healthcare privatized?

  4. Absolutely. The people are a lot better in every industry and every aspect of the economy then the government.
  5. What's wrong with the country: We don't follow the Constitution.
    How to fix the country: Follow the Constitution.
  6. [​IMG]

  7. If we want high quality healthcare and education, yes.
  8. I think the media is largely to blame. Blatant favoritism by all these news networks really dampens things as a whole.
  9. The constitution didn't prevent these problems. So why assume the constitution will fix them?

  10. If Americans won't follow the US Constitution what makes you think they will follow NAP though?
  11. The constitution is a piece of paper. It can't do anything the men And women who stand behind it don't do.
  12. I can't (or want to) control other people...all I control is my actions. If you know that NAP and property rights are morally legitimate then live it. Lead by example.

    Also if you really thought NAP was morally legitimate then you would see the state as a violation of NAP. The constitution is a piece of paper. It does not prevent people from acting violently. All a person can do is live NAP.

    Political 'solutions' are temporary at best...take 'the American Experiment' for example.
  13. Now perhaps you can answer my question with an answer...and not a question.

    NAP and property rights is the solution.
  14. I agree\ with all you just said. Sometimes its good to question our own beliefs as I am sure you know, I was basically using you as a sounding board because people look at me when funny when I try and debate myself. :smoke: I'm always questioning myself and I am always seeking the truth rather than what I want to hear, I think thats how many of us come to anarchy in the first place. And once again I have come to the conclusion Anarcho-Capitalism is the only answer.
  15. ^ Indeed. I'm almost ashamed to admit I sympathized with democrats 3 or 4 years ago...then one sentence got me to question everything. There was one professor who pointed me in the right direction. "Ideaology are ideas that are subject to change, and principles are ideas that span across time and space." Who knows, maybe the NAP/property rights isn't a principle...but I've yet to hear a rational argument pointing out an inconsistency with it.

    Trying to replace beliefs with knowledge is a very difficult process. Once a person has knowledge the even more difficult process is 'practicing what you preach'...being wise.
  16. That is not true. Like I said, private corporations are only concerned about profit. This will in fact make the quality of the service suffer. The only solution to corporatism is regulation. If you are right-wing you will not agree with me. :rolleyes:
  17. For the wealthy. For the wealthy.
  18. Sorry for derailing the thread a bit, Johny Potsmoker.

    I agree that the U.S. incarceration rate is disturbing. Thinking of all the families broken up and people whose livelihoods have been destroyed. The people enforcing prohibition are the real criminals, and the people who support it are their accomplices.
  19. #19 lightupbong, Sep 2, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 2, 2012
    The constitution is a sacred document outlining how a truly free society, in any era, would be handled. We have slowly drifted away from it's principles, stripping various amendments here and there. The constitution only works when all of the provisions are followed and respected. It is the blueprint for establishing a society where the PEOPLE rule, not the oppressive government. You can only be happy in a free society, not when powerful greedy elites run the planet.

    Go back to the constitution, keep the money out of government, and make the gov't scared of YOU.

  20. For everyone. Particularly the poor.

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