What's Wrong With Ron Paul.

Discussion in 'General' started by bossman3, Sep 11, 2011.

  1. Ron Paul is a fucking idiot. He doesn't believe in the separation of church and state.
    He believes abortion should be illegal.
    He doesn't support the repeal of DoMA and didn't support the repeal of DADT.
    He doesn't support putting more money into inner-city schools, but does support vouchers for religious schools.
    He believes creationism should be taught alongside evolution in public schools.
    He doesn't believe HIV causes AIDS.
    While he doesn't support a federal ban on gay marriage, he also doesn't support a federal law legalizing gay marriage. Some see this as a states' rights issue, and this is how he frames it, but he does support other federal legalization movements (drugs, for example).
    His newsletter spouted horrible racist content for twenty years. He denies writing any of it, but if he allowed this content to go out under his name, he either approved it or was so ignorant of both the type of people he associates with and the type of content going under his name that he shouldn't be trusted to run anything.
    He believes in reinstating the gold standard, which most economists believe was one of the major causes of several financial crises during the early part of the 20th Century, including the Great Depression.
    Everybody here is a fan of him, but only because nobody looks past his drug policies.
  2. The problem is?
  3. Lol your going to get so much hate from this thread, the lolz that shall ensue.
  4. I see many problems here. Who knows if they're true though. OP is probably an extreme left winger.
  5. 3 posts.
    Ron Paul hate and slander.
    Marijuana Forum.
    I'm high.

    Obvious troll is obvious. Engage warpspeed.

  6. I'd like to hear from the OP where he gets his information; b/c as a college graduate, and as a political follower, I've always heard/ only heard that Ron's stance (even concerning marijuana and the war on drugs) should be left up to the states.
  7. hes serious....literally.

    But seriously OP he has a couple issues that are mostly not a big deal at all compared to what he stands for. He's by far better than any other candidate.

    Also, you were wrong about the drug legalization. He says that is also a state issue. All of the things you said he basically said should be left up to the states. He's totally against the federal government telling people what they can and cannot do in their lives.

    The logic behind leaving all those issues up to the state is that the power will be decentralized. The people in each state will vote in who they want to represent them and the public's opinion will be heard more. Each state will have the laws that they prefer. In some states all drugs may be illegal, but in others they will all be legal. But then what happens is that it won't last. It will be clear that the situation in the state with legal drugs works out better and everyone will adjust. It will be out of whack at first but as we transition it all balances out.
  8. ..And while the gold standard may not be the best, I could probably make just as convincing of an argument that printing dollar bills in hyper mode (like we're doing now) won't lead to the greatest of outcomes either.

  9. Yes right now the fed prints money out of thin air. Its just paper. The only thing that gives it value is your belief in it. Otherwise, it's nothing but paper and ink.

    Also the fed has to go. There is no logic there. They print money, we borrow it and have to pay it back with interest. Well if we get our money from them how will we ever pay them back? It will only work if the government makes a profit, but HELLO this is the government, not a corporation. They aren't supposed to be making profits.
  10. The fed issue (while as obvious as it seems) is unfortunately why someone like Ron Paul won't get elected. It's a shame really, but our "democratic" system (i.e. voice of THE PEOPLE) is run by a secret group of bank owners and private C-level execs. who will put the next puppet into place, just like they've been doing since JFK.

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