What's wrong with my plant? Hydroponics

Discussion in 'Sick Plants and Problems' started by Jack115551, Oct 23, 2016.

  1. hello,

    Basically I started these plants with a low level light and soil however a few weeks later I got paid and wanted a bigger yield so I've switched to hydroponics and bought a 300 watt LED light for my plants.

    I did try nutrients mixed with the water and with a ph level of around 5.7-6 however I could tell that my plants were getting use to the change until I realised something had gone wrong with the leaves changing colour / dying. The roots have been trimmed and cleaned so there isn't any root rot, I've switched the water to normal water with no nutrients except it being the correct PH level as I thought the nutrients might of been too much but they're still dying.

    Does anyone have any ideas what the problem is? I'm baffled, the hydroponics grow is also got 4 air pumps so they get enough oxygen and there is ventilation ... and have raised the light higher recently

    Please help :)

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  2. In bloom they do drop leaves. Perhaps a little CalMag?
  3. I have just found this? Hmmmm

    Anyone have any ideas about this??

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  4. Do the roots smell at all?

    Also it looks like their isn't enough root mass to support the size of the plant.

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