Whats wrong with my foot?

Discussion in 'Fitness, Health & Nutrition' started by Fakir, Aug 6, 2012.

  1. So i was stupid and kicked a wall in anger

    and now my foot is swollen, i think its worst around the big toe area

    i can bend it down but if i try to bend it up it hurts, and it hurts quite alot to walk on it

    its been 3 days since it happened, yesterday it got better so i walked around a bit, but now its gotten back to same and i cant really work on it

    whats up with it, is it sprained or broken?
  2. Dr....see one soon...before it turns all brown and green.
  3. I've done this before, but the only way to really know is to ask your doctor or some kind of medical professional. Just go get it checked out.
  4. thanks for the advice

    it seems to be getting better, but maybe i should go to the doc soon, they just have a big waiting line -_-
  5. Most likely just jammed it. Keep walking on it, ice it, take an ibuprofen, and elevate at night. If it's not better in a few days go see the doc.
  6. First, you do realise you are asking for medical advice on a stoners forum :eek:

    Now with that disclaimer - If when you move your toe you feel faint or nauseated, it is likely broken. If it only hurts when you move it, it is likely a sprain.

  7. Hurr durr, if it doesn't hurt nothing is wrong....so just get really high. Hurr durr
  8. #8 Broosh, Aug 8, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 8, 2012
    i have nothing helpful to say, however, i do have something to share.

    this is what happened when i got angry and punched a wall


    next week. the swelling went down but my ENTIRE HAND was bruised lmao

  9. Id just go to the doctor if it doesn't feel better in the next 2-3 days. Ice it, elevate it, rest it.. good to move it around a bit, walk around a little bit not in excess. But only an X-ray can really tell you whats going on... Feel better dude
  10. [quote name='"Broosh"']i have nothing helpful to say, however, i do have something to share.

    this is what happened when i got angry and punched a wall

    next week. the swelling went down but my ENTIRE HAND was bruised lmao


    Pretty intense swelling there. lol looks like a boxers fracture.
  11. You got a fracture son! I fractured my 2 last toes, 10 weeks ago... wasn't too agonizing, but ached to walk on it... so check it out!
  12. alright, its the weekend now, so no docta, but im gonna get a time or go to the doctor monday, because its still the same, not really swollen exept a bit

    the pain is about the same, aches to walk on it, seems like its cramped/pulled
  13. ive done similar shit.

    i dont like being one of those people who clogs up the wait lines though, so i just smoke weed and take it easy till whatever it is that i hurt starts feeling better.

    just avoid putting pressure, walk like a dumbass if you have to. and although it may suck.. just stay home this weekend. be lazy as can be and smoke a ton of weed. avoid sativas. if after the weekend it gets worse, or there is no change then go to a walk in clinic and get it checked out but only as a last resort.
  14. yeah, well like i said its been like atleast a week now, the swelling was worse before, now its not really swollen, but just sore, and like in a cramp, i dont like doctors thats why ive been avoiding it, i think it will get better, but i guess ill need to get it checked, i dont wanna be one of those with a life long limp!
  15. Could have fractured something. If it has shooting pain at night it is most likely fractured.
  16. i remember i kicked a wall back in middle school. then went to play pop warner football.
    realized my shit was fucked up half way through the game and the coach sent me home.
  17. One 'field' test for checking fractures is the use of vibration.
    Ideally youd strike a tuning fork, put it on the area and if you jump to the ceiling in pain its prolly fractured
  18. All a doctor will do is tell you to keep your weight off of it, and avoid kicking hard and heavy objects in the future. I wouldn't waste my time going to a doctor for something like that.

    I kicked a box of firewood a few months back (it went flying a good 10-15 ft), and I was amazed nothing broke, and there was no swelling. I definitely hurt something where the first metatarsal connects with the medial cuneiform. I think it was just jammed, and I still feel a twinge from it now and again. Doesn't hurt my squatting, dead lifting or hiking though so I am not too concerned.

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