whats wrong with my eye

Discussion in 'General' started by aznno0odles, Sep 26, 2010.

  1. i got punched in the eye and the white part is like half like the exact color of blood like it looks like a little pool of blood.but when i wipe my eye with tissue its just there and nothing on the tissue. i should be good right?
  2. Yeah, you'll be fine. My boy got punched in his eye, the chick also had a Bic in her hand. His eye was pink like that for about two weeks.

  3. ya thanks i didnt want to wake up tomorrow with a eye full of blood .
  4. what a buzzkill. why did someone sock you?
  5. i thought it was some sort of joke cuz u know ur asian, right? but yeah i'm glad it didn't turn out to be some dumb thread

    i think you should get it checked out, even tho i'm pretty sure what the first reply said is plausible. better safe than sorry right?
  6. You broke blood vessel. It will be gone in a few days to a few weeks.
  7. thanks. and i got sucker punched/ jumped for a 20 sack.the sucker punch got my eye though good
  8. "Do you have pinkeye too?"
    "No, I'm just really hiiiiiiiigh!"
  9. Ahhh I knew a guy who got punched in the eye and the white part turned all red because a blood vessel burst and he looked like a demon :eek:
    Do you look like a demon?
  10. once I puked so hard i blew a blood vessel in my eye.
    that is all.

  11. Subconjuctival Hemorrhage. It's possible for a blood vessel to burst in your eye ball. It is probably healed, but it takes a while for the body to remove all the blood that seeped out.

    It is harmless, and will fade over a week or two.

  12. been there:(:(

  13. if i got hit in the same spot could it cause anything dangerous?

    ha yeah

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