i got punched in the eye and the white part is like half like the exact color of blood like it looks like a little pool of blood.but when i wipe my eye with tissue its just there and nothing on the tissue. i should be good right?
Yeah, you'll be fine. My boy got punched in his eye, the chick also had a Bic in her hand. His eye was pink like that for about two weeks.
i thought it was some sort of joke cuz u know ur asian, right? but yeah i'm glad it didn't turn out to be some dumb thread i think you should get it checked out, even tho i'm pretty sure what the first reply said is plausible. better safe than sorry right?
Ahhh I knew a guy who got punched in the eye and the white part turned all red because a blood vessel burst and he looked like a demon Do you look like a demon?
Subconjuctival Hemorrhage. It's possible for a blood vessel to burst in your eye ball. It is probably healed, but it takes a while for the body to remove all the blood that seeped out. It is harmless, and will fade over a week or two.