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Whats Wrong With My Baby Plant?

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by Maxmurphy123, May 23, 2013.

  1. I transplanted the little baby blue widow about two weeks ago and it just stopped growing, didnt get any bigger, and in the past 2 days i have been able to see the leaves that are coming out are curling, can anyone tell me what it is?

    Its in sunlight for 14 hours a day and temps of around 27 degrees celcius

    Attached Files:

  2. looks like too much flash for me.. try takin a pic when its light outside with no flash :D leaves are a little droopy could be over/under watering
  3. what kinda dirt is it in? how often watered? and what if any nutrients have you givin it?
  4. I'm no expert but id say its time for nutes if you haven't added any and also over or under watering depending on if leaves are just dropping or crispy feeling.

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