Whats worst for todays youth?

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by Johnywilks, Feb 1, 2011.

  1. Im talking 14/15/16 years old. Mid teen years. ( experimenting years for many teenagers).

    Drinking Alcohol or smoking Marijuana ??

    It seems like today their are alot more teens drinking alcohol and getting drunk out of their minds. ( every weekend).

    What is worst for them ??
    Do you think its only going to continue to get worst in the future??
  2. Things do not get worst
  3. Dude..drinking by far. Their young bodies and minds just aren't ready for that shit.
    Shit's just..so man-made (sorry I am sort of against alchy lol) I'm not saying at 14, 15 etc your body and brain is ready for weed either, but I'm sure starting to smoke around that age as opposed to starting to drink at that age is worse..my opinion at least.
    I started smoking around 14 and it's been almost 5 years now and I've been fine :)
  4. Come on man..he was off by one letter, fuck it. Shouldn't come in and just hate..at least hate AND give your opinion on the topic at hand..
  5. this is a no brainer... while neither is good for a developing teenagers, the choices and decisions that can be made while drinking can ruin a young life. Im thinking back to that age, about the worst that can happen smoking pot is maybe some minor legal issues, alcohol directly led to pregnancies, deaths, and some major legal ramifications for me and my friends.
  6. right, +rep... but it was funny.
  7. The only way I think weed is worse than alcohol is in the amount of money it takes. Alcohol makes you way more prone to do stupid things and get yourself caught, injured, or even killed, and its much worse on your body in general.

    And as far as I know, kids don't drink in the same way they smoke. Alcohol is more difficult for kids to get, so most who drink do it sporadically, like at parties, as opposed to making it a regular after-school or once a week type thing.

    So basically, regardless of age, being an alcoholic is way worse than being a chronic bud smoker.
  8. Alcohol is worse cause you can do some straight up retarded shit when your smashed. When you get high as fuck all you do is chill and eat some food, which never hurts anyone.
  9. i mean of course everyone on here is definitely going to say alcohol, why you ask? because its the truth and nothing but the truth, kapish?

    i believe alcohol is a stronger drug than cannabis by experience, its less controllable. with cannabis i have never fell down, passed out, woke up with a dick drawn on my forehead. oh and you cant die from cannabis :hello:
  10. I along with 90+% of the people out here started at the 14/15/16 age.

    No one seems to be a half-retarted hunchback. ;)

    Which is worse? Drinking.

  11. I don't know about worse, but I would say weed would have much more mind altering and profound impact on the mind of the youth. For example my younger brother who is now 14, started to smoke weed when he was 12. I am against it and would wish he'd wait a little longer to smoke once he'd seen more and understood more. But he knows I smoke as well, so me telling him not to isn't going to work. It's not that he is fucked up and everything, but it ultimately changes the way he thinks, which may sometimes be for the better or the worse.
  12. Alcohol. Why? 4 Dumb kids decided to get drunk then drive. Well wouldn't you know it they crash because the driver passes out or "didn't have time to realize he was barreling towards a tree_. One kid was thrown through the window and hit the ground, he died. Yes no seatbelt. One kid was brain dead and comatose for a week until he finally died. The girl broke her back and other injuries. The other boy took the heat for the girl and got vehicular manslaughter among otheri juries. So tell my why marijuana is illegal again? I have never heard anybody passing out at the wheel because they were so high.
  13. #13 The Third Man, Feb 1, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 1, 2011
    There was a case in Italy a few weeks ago where something very similar to that happened because the driver was high as fuck. It does happen, just because alcohol is worse for you than cannabis it doesn't mean driving under the influence of either is a good idea. I don't think that's the issue here anyway to be honest, who drives a car at age 14/15/16?

    The issue is simply that alcohol is detrimental to the health of your liver and other organs, and the only real negative to physical health with cannabis is the tar that can accumulate in your lungs from smoking. But you don't even have to smoke. I would still say however that 14 and 15 is probably too young, there are a lot of things to learn about life at this age and it's maybe not a good idea to be regularly using any kind of mind-altering substance. So alcohol is worse than cannabis, but neither are advisable at that age.
  14. I'm sorry i just don't believe he passed out, there had to be other factors involved. Got links?

  15. people pass out sober, people pass out drunk and people will pass out high. dont deny it many many people have passed out high
  16. #16 The Third Man, Feb 1, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 1, 2011
    He didn't pass out, but he plowed into a tree. He was under the influence of cannabis and he killed like 6 people so...it's not really defendable. I'm just saying the driving under the influence point was kind of irrelevant because 15 year olds don't drive and driving under the influence of anything, be it alcohol, cannabis, LSD, mushrooms, whatever, is not a good idea.

    And people do pass out from cannabis, I've done it myself, if you smoke a shitload, it's very possible...

    EDIT: sorry I mean to say he ploughed into another car, not a tree, my bad
  17. Drinking = bad
    Smoking = good

    Also... any and all hipsters need to die.
  18. Freshman year. 2 kids flip and hit a tree, both killed instantly, good friends with my sister. Sophomore year 4 kids doing 100 drunk lose control, hit a pole and the car literally split in half and continued to fly for another 50+ feet. My friend luckily came out of a coma after 6 weeks and had scars everywhere all over his face and has short term memory loss. The driver, passenger and the kid sitting next to him died. He was lucky that he was ejected from the vehicle because he wasn't wearing a seat belt.

    Not to mention my father is an alcoholic, he's totaled 5 cars and will never get his license back.

    Yeah, fuck alch
  19. #19 mean and green, Feb 1, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 1, 2011
    Surely its the hipsters who will be preaching weed over alcohol, with it filling in that slightly un-mainstream image attached to it..... oh dear :O (shock horror, the image of weed is forever tainted :( jks jks )

    but yea anyway, neither is worse, it depends on the drinker/smoker

    granted drinking can make you do stupid shit, but if you can actually have some form of self restraint and keep it to a weekend thing, you wont come out much the worse. You may be less healthy than non drinkers, but hey you can't live life by being anal about everything......

    on the other hand while weed is certainly alot healthier (and you are definatly less likely to end up with AIDS from a night of drunk fucking) like most substances, it can take a hold of you which is likewise not good. (sadly alot of people forget that there is a potential to become addicted to green even if it is less 'hard' than booze).

    All in all, it just really depends on the person. Both substances can screw you up if you let it. Don't preach abstaining from alcohol and weed, preach using it responsibly

    sorry if it came across as slighlty hating :( I love weed and id pick it over Beer any days :D :D :D, Its jsut that I dont like the anti - Alcohol sentiments that are ever present in these threads :(

    peace and love, may the green be with you.... always......

    EDIT: sorry again i sound really hipster and condescending :(

  20. smoking is also bad.

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