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what's with this yellowing? [large pic]

Discussion in 'Sick Plants and Problems' started by get5007, Aug 4, 2008.

  1. I've read a few thing it could be, but I want some fellow growers in the GC to help me out. So, whats wrong with it? Is it looking healthy for going on 2 and a half weeks?

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  2. hey man.
    im not a soil grower, but i think she looks fine. Just lacking something in the nutrients. There's a sticky somewhere here with pictures of all the possible sickesses your plant could get. Just search.
    Plus you need to give more information, the ph of your soil, the nutrients you using, etc etc.
    Use the search button. there's more than enough information around here
  3. its a magnesium defo mate.

    epsom salts will fix that right up for you bud:)

    ps; its looking fine mate,just a little pick me up (epsom salts) needed.

    all the best:smoke:
  4. how much salt?
  5. 1 teaspoon per gallon fixed a mg def for me, in week 2 of my plants. Ive got some more recent pics in my journal and you will see the epsom salts did infact perk em up and stopped slight yellowing of edges.

    But when you say how much salt, i just want to make sure you realize epsom salts(magnesium sulfate) is different from regular salt you will find in the grocery store, so just make sure you get the right kind.

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