My mom has smelled my stuff like 4 times after Ived blazed and she always says "one more time I mean it." Then like an hour later she acts like nothing happened. She used to smoke a lot when I was little. But she hasn't done anything cept a 20 second talk. She also found a pipe in my car and gave it back cause I said it wasn't mine, which it really wasn't. Anyone know why she might do this? Yesterday's history. Tomorrow's a mystery.
Maybe you should ask her and have an open conversation about it, seems her being lenient could be her way of saying while I don't approve I understand or something. Get you some quality time in with mom and shit
Your mom sounds like a talker no action type of person Sent from my SPH-D710VMUB using Grasscity Forum mobile app
if shes not reprimanding you for smoking weed , then she just wants to get it in your head thatr shes not ok with it , but accepts it in some way. you're her son/daughter (not sure) , she wants the best for you , and weed is still generally illegal , im sure if weed was legal shed be totally cool with it.
I've also told her I'm not gonna stop for now until I have my 2 year completed. Yesterday's history. Tomorrow's a mystery.
My dad and step mom acted like they never knew, yet always busted me on my liquor. I'd come home and there's the bottle. Years later we talked and I said how funny it was that they always found my booze but never my weed. My dad laughed and told me that every time they'd find a bottle I'd move it. And since they were pinching my bag it was best if they just kept quiet so I didn't move it.... Figured I'd saved him a few thousand dollars over the course of several years. lol
[quote name="EL-GATO-NEGRO" post="19378802" timestamp="1390284975"]All meows no scratch[/quote]But maybe a little hissing. >.> =^.^= Blurring the lines between what is Unreal and real.