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what's up with you, iran?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Dualified, Sep 28, 2009.


    anyone else read this? i don't understand why their government chooses to move their country in a position of condemnation towards other countries; if they want their government to continue behaving in such the prolific manner that they believe they are, they should probably stop manufacturing nuclear warheads for "self defensive purposes" when obviously more measures then needed have been taken if that would be the case.
  2. #2 Zylark, Sep 28, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 28, 2009
    Iran is led as a dictatorship by a priesthood with delusions of grandeur and a grim (read: apocalyptic) view of the world. They do not behave rationally, at least not by our standards.

    For instance, they have paved a grand avenue in Teheran to welcome the mystical and messianic 12th Imam that shall lead them to victory in their direst moment during the war against the kuffars, I mean, non-muslims. The Jews in particular.

    To this end they are developing their nuclear capability, and the means to deliver such weapons. At great cost, and under the guise of nuclear research being civilian, in order to secure Irans energy needs.

    Here I should add that Iran is one of the worlds largest oil-producers, third largest by counting known reserves, so it's energy needs are more than covered from that alone. Also, in the hilly interior and north-west, great potential for hydro-electric power exist. Yet, Iran have since the theocratic takeover not built a single dam or new oil-installation. With regards to existing oil-installations, most are worn down from insufficient maintanance. Refineries have even closed. Iran can not any longer refine enough high-grade fuels to keep their cars running. It's gone so far that they are actually rationing it.

    Believe it or not, Iran is actually a net-importer of gasoline. The second largest in the world, after the US.

    And yet they use all these resources on nuclear technology, that is orders of magnitude more expensive than oil/gas and hydro-electric power. Takes longer to develop, and puts them on a fast-track for severe sanctions from the international community.

    Ironically, including embargoing gasoline shipments to the country with the 3rd largest known oilreserves. It would be funny, was it not so tragic.
  3. #3 StoneColdChilla, Sep 28, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 28, 2009
    There governed by crazy Muslims and the sane Muslims cant do shit about it. I mean come on look at there President if you don't believe me.

    There citizens are the victims here, the sanctions are not hurting the bad guys, they don't give a shit if there people starve or not, just like they don't give a shit about killing people, and unless the world cracks down on Iran, and there theocratic hierarchy is deposed there will be grave consequences.

    I saw a video years ago, about Iranian sanctions. The basis of the video was that a middle aged school teacher had his pay frozen for months because the government wouldn't pay him.

    There citizens try to rise up and they are beaten back by the government thugs and are starved into submission by foreign sanctions.

    And another thing I would like to say..

    I had a substitute teacher a few years ago, and he compared Mahmoud to Hitler, He said that instead of going to war early on before things got messy everybody just wanted to sell shit to the Germans and bury there head in the sand as to what Germany was doing. And that Mahmoud needs to be stopped before he can do something that really bad.
  4. Ive been thinking alot about Iran. I believe they feel that the only way they can be seriously seen on the world stage is if they already have nuclear weapons. They are constantly under the shadow of a now nuclear Israel, a country that operates so far from rationality its sickening.

    I read in the Wall Street Journal that the president of Iran said on the UN floor that "The Zionist criminals are a minority that seeks to control the world through the US and Israel and they are using their power to instigate a new type of debt slavery" (Loose quote, ill try to dig up the article) Am I the only one that finds it strange that the same message is being said by the so called "conspiracy theorists" here in america is extremely similar to that of the president of Iran.

    The war drums are beating and its only a matter of time before an attack. It is no coincidence that Iran in the news so much, we are being systematically conditioned to accept the next phase in this "war on terror". I personally believe in the NWO agenda and to them, Iran stands defiant against their plans so they will need to be eliminated.

    True, Iran is a dictatorship. However, the world is awash in a dizzying array of bullshit, spin, propaganda and double standards. How China alone is treating the occupation of Tibet is far worse and worthy of military intervention than Iraq ever was. The only difference is that our Multinational Corporations make billions off of Iraq while at the same time we have China's monetary cock shoved deep down our throat as our national debt soars and everything sold under $15 is made in a sweatshop there.

    As Americans, we need to stand up and bring our attention back home. We need to cut all this imperialist bullshit and adopt a new foreign policy. This will not happen as long as we keep feeding into the childish and absurd red vs blue party system; as long as we do that the neocons, NWO, Zionists Intellectuals, or whatever you want to call them win, which means humanity loses.

    Debt is the jewish form of slavery and people have been fighting that since the beginning of time. Thats the real reason why jews are discriminated against, not some "hey you killed jesus" bullshit. Look at how monsanto is gaining vast control over the third world: debt. Im not against all jews, its just this group of power hungry individuals who are screwing the world. I dont care if the same "global elite" have been in power since antiquity, its our time now and we can beat this shit. Yeah, many people are probably going to die in this struggle in the future. At least its a fight for true freedom, not the bullshit "die for freedom" rhetoric they play out for our country's kids that died in Iraq.

    Long story short, we need to realize who the real enemy is and not be wrongfully misinformed and persuaded to kill innocent people who are labeled the "enemy" or more specifically "terrorists".
  5. Israel and Obama/Bush have been beating the war drums for years now, Iran is just getting ready to defend themselves. Looking at our track record against theirs, I'd say we're the bigger threat.

    Ahmidinejad is playing a crazy game, I'm not really sure what his strategy is. He says some stupid things that negates every rational thing he may say. On one hand it looks like he's trying to get attacked because he thinks it will topple the US empire, but on the other he's appealing to the people of Western governments with truths we should be listening to.

    He comes to the UN asking to be friends with Obama and talk to him, he tones down his Holocaust prank and seems to admit it was real and he publicly announces another nuclear plant... but this isn't enough to consider talking to him.

    The Soviet Union had active nukes, and Iran doesn't even have nukes. Yet we act like they are an evil threat like no other that can't even be spoken to.

    And people should understand why they don't trust us, we've fucked them over hardcore in the past, and to we've sanctioned them for over 30 years. Barring trade from their civilian economy is an act of war.

    People complain about the democratic situation in Iran with the protests... it's no worse than the US, where we got a fake Bush election twice. Look at our pro-western allies, like Saudi Arabia, for examples of the harsh governments we support. Iran is way ahead of them in terms of democratic freedoms. Their people actually protest when they get scammed, we just buy bumper stickers.
  6. This is true and pretty interesting to me. It seems that Saudi Arabia, or maybe its leaders who will profit, "play the game" so to speak, democratically. I don't agree with how Iranian leaders govern or their self destructive policy on arms and Israel. Saudi Arabians probably feel the same way about Israel, their leaders just play along for commercial interest.
  7. honestly, we have known about the nuclear site at QOM for a while now, and then when iran finally says something about it, we blow it all out of preportion and claiming that its a SECRET SITE....

    the IAEA says this

    in order to be mandated to fully disclose a nuclear plant .. it has to be within 180days of being able to start enriching uranium..

    IRan isnt even 180 MONTHs close to this deadline. so in all rights they didnt have to tell anyone about it untill the 180 day mark.

    like aaron said the war beat is drumming hard as of the past few weeks.. and our government wants any and all reasons to start invading IRAN..

    its rather sad.

    Uranium Enrichment

    Uranium enrichment is at the center of Western concerns about Iran's nuclear program. The process isolates a uranium isotope needed to generate fuel for a nuclear power reactor; in higher concentrations it can be used to make a bomb. Iran denies it is developing a nuclear weapon and insists the enrichment is needed for civilian uses, such as the production of electricity.

    Iranian officials rejected criticism for failing to mention the new enrichment plant's existence previously, arguing that it's only required to inform the IAEA 180 days before introducing nuclear material into the plant. President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said the facility isn't even “180 months away from operation.”
  8. And Israel won't even let the IAEA in their country!


  9. Exactly! yet they point out to the rest of the world that NO ONE should have nuclear arms...

    and fucking pakistan too man... they have alot of nuclear warheads and they are allys of ours.. yet push out almost every single "terrorist" and supposibly is hiding bin laden.. but i personally believe that bin laden has been dead for a while.. mainly the reason why every single "message" out by him is only audio and no video. has been that way for a few years now
  10. pakistan is more of a worry in SE Asia, not as much so in the Middle East. but i believe there have been videos of Bin Laden released not to long ago.

    But honestly, I think IRan is far more likely to use nuclear weapons than Israel....
  11. Why?

    Israeli leaders have essentially spoken of genocide against Iran ("think amelek")

    While all of Iran's leaders have spoken against the use of nuclear weapons.

  12. You're ridiculous sometimes.

    Yes, Islam is evil blahblahblah they want to destroy the world with their jihad blahblahblah
  13. IMO Isreal would be the first to strike, that doesnt mean Iran's nuclear ambitions are at all reasonable.

  14. You mean their alleged nuclear ambitions.

    Unless you have a problem with nuclear power?
  15. Fundamentalism scares me in any form, Iran being under pressure from Zionists, I wouldn't doubt they're developing weapons.
  16. #16 Zylark, Sep 29, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 29, 2009
    Well, at least I try to provide some reasoning behind my positions in these matters. Besides, you know, blahblahblahblah.

    Something you do not care discuss? How islam for example is the anti-thesis to a free society? Or did that entirely slip your mind when looking for friends in the "anything but this shit" club of misfits?

    Really think islamic shit, rather than capitalist shit, will make things better for you?

    Empirically speaking, looking at current islamic societies, I'd hazard to guess no. So what makes you think the sewage of islamic ideals will get purified beyond recognicion if it only gets a say in Europe, or the US?

    Truth is, islam have irradicated all cultures they have met and enslaved them into their tribal malfunctioning ideology of blood-libel and hatred of anything but islam.

    Islam is the low-technology Borg-alternative to society. Not very enticing to me thank you very much. More important, not that accepting of me not accepting it.

    So, to be honest, fuck islam. It certainly do not hide it's designs for me as an atheist; death. Not that tolerable to me, not something I will make excuses for in the name of misunderstood do-good-ism. Go figure.

    I am just averse to all that smells of totalitarian bullshit, and islam reeks of it.

    And for all you "being against islam is racist" misconceptionists, guess what, freedom of speech is not reserved for inoffensive utterances. Besides, faith have nothing to do with ethnicity.

    I'm against islam for the same reasons I am against communism, fascism and nazism. It is not because I hold anything against Arabs, Spaniards, Germans, Italians, Russians or other peoples beeing/having been led and brainwashed by totalitarian thoughts.

    It is because I am against totalitarian thoughts.
  17. I've already explained the problems of abrogation in Islam to justify various acts of war or violence in other threads. It is clear that Iran wants nuclear missiles. Look at the missile tests this week. Its naive to take them at their word.
  18. So I guess Obama didn't make any changes with regards to the US' saber-rattling with Iran from the previous administration. The media takes every opportunity to misquote and slander Ahmadinejad they can. The media is definitely behind military action against Iran. Watch any report about Iran on the news and the reporters will inevitably misquote the Iranian leader as saying "Israel must be wiped off the map"; when he said nothing like that.

    Just How Far Did They Go, Those Words Against Israel? - New York Times

    So why can't Iran test missiles?
    I do not understand the reasoning behind the US insisting that Iran cannot develop nuclear energy for peaceful purposes, which it appears that they are. I'm rather certain it is only because he's made some critical remarks about Israel, or more specifically; Zionism. If you go and look at what's he's actually said, it's not that far out and it certainly is not as bellicose and brash as some things that Israel's leaders have said. I actually agree with him on a few things he has said. So why can so many other nations possess nuclear weaponry, but Iran cannot use nuclear energy for peaceful purposes?
    I think pressure from the Israel lobby probably has something to do with it.
    Check out Obama's speech he gave in front of AIPAC in 2008. It's downright creepy how much Obama tries to kiss their asses. Is he running to be President of the United States, or President of Israel?

  19. uh, no.
  20. #20 TheDankery, Sep 29, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 29, 2009

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