Hi, i'm new to gc, it's only polite to introduce yourself. so my name is amanda, and i'm a jersey girl. i like good music and good weed. what's up!?
good music and good weed are both relative! Although in the grand scheme of things i bet both your music and your weed is bomb. New jersey seems pretty awesome
haha, thanks guys, i feel very welcomed... and that is probably the first time i've ever heard someone say something good about nj. it is nice to hear, but awesome isn't exactly the first word that comes to mind for me, but i guess 20 years of the same place will do that to you. haha
Isn't that the truth. Proud to be home of some of the most ridiculously greedy dealers around. It's cold with all this snow, can't wait to get down to WW for the summer :3 Welcome to GC; I don't post much, but I enjoy lurking.