Whats up GC

Discussion in 'General' started by illrolling, Sep 6, 2012.

  1. I need a little help..there was a really funny face that Jim Cramer on his show and I wanted to know what the best way of making it a picture, maybe a meme. I would really appreciate any kind of help on how to google this or take the still out of the video. Will give rep lol
  2. Meme Generator

    I'm also not completely sure what you mean... Do you have the picture of him? Is your question HOW to get the picture of him?

    If you don't have the picture I don't know what to tell you... you could Youtube the episode and pause it and screenshot it and use Photoshop (I may be able to do this for you...) but I'm not sure...

    If you already have the picture then it shouldn't be hard to make at all. More details would be appreciated though.

    Good luck! :smoke:
  3. yeah..need to find the pic..its today's episode right in the beginning when he presses the button that does the spooky sound lol

  4. If you have some sort of on demand or such on your television you can possibly try rewinding or recording a future episode??? Maybe search for it on the internet...

    Sorry, I'm sure you could find it though... Everything is out there on the internet, for the most part.
  5. cool thanks dude ill try that link

  6. Jim cramer is on this form homiee......... boxer is him beware you have been warned!!!:cool:
  7. idk what that means however I will let you know if I find that picture.
  8. so after I pause the video at my spot what do I do?

  9. If its on your TV you may just have to take a picture and hope you can get a good one... Sorry, not much else you can do unless you have external hardware...

    A nice camera would do well, an iPhone camera might be alright... I'm not sure, good luck! Get back to me with results.

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