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what's this strain called?

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by babychulax, Feb 2, 2011.

  1. I bought an 8th yesterday of some stuff that is mostly purple and it kind of has a orange, fruity smell to it. But, me and my friend smoked a blunt of it and we were only high for 5-10 minutes at the most. We don't understand.. the weed looks and smells so good, what's going on?? Did I get ripped off? lol... :(

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  2. A better picture would help but IMO i think you got sold potpourri or some vaped bud. Who knows.
  3. it seems like every day on this forum theres somebody that tries to find out what strain they have. and they get the same answer everytime... noone can tell you what strain you have regardless of pictures or not

  4. Do you not realize that picture is horrible? It's not even in focus. spend more than 12 seconds next time you make a post.

    looks like the fake herb to me. too many colors and no actual buds, its just all fluffy and spread out.
  5. wow you guys really know how to make a girl feel bad.. if you don't even have an answer to give me on my post then you should not have wasted 12 seconds of your time responding. I thought that my fellow smokers would be nice to one of their own...
  6. Looks like a bunch of leaf shake, and that would explain the high. But seriously, like the other posters said, take a better photo. Nobody can help you when you post a blurry picture like that.
  7. They weren't trying to make you feel bad, they're giving you their opinions.

    Like the others have said, you should take a better photo of it. We can't tell you the strain, but we can let you know if you got ripped off or not.

    How much did you pay for the Eighth?
  8. #8 Asyd420, Feb 2, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 2, 2011
    yeah didnt mean to make you feel bad its just you should take a picture before you break up the weed. but anyways the weed looks dank as hell i can never find any purp in chicago. but i know its around
  9. Got this on the northside.. Tried smoking a bowl out of it and it got me higher than a blunt did.. but still shitty. It's a new guy I went to, I'll just use my regular one next time I guess
  10. Can you take a better pic?
  11. So your new guy keeps a sack of real bud and some leaf trimmings/shake for people he thinks he can scam. I'd give him a taste of some female wrath if I were you... or just never go back to him.
  12. I don't get it either. Do they not look at their own pics and compare them to others. Please delete the thread.

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