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What's the worst paper you rolled and smoked?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by since93, Oct 4, 2010.

  1. Mine was know the rizla packs have that "watch out you have 10 papers left" warning sheet between the papers?...that....ugh...i can still feel the ink in my lungs...:mad:

  2. these peach flavored papers, they were brown like a blunt. they just arent good and the flavor gets old. id rather smoke a zig zag or ez wider.
  3. Looseleaf. My friend tried rolling a joint for his first time and didn't have papers. He told me to try it and it was a huge mistake.
  4. juciy jay strawberry fields blunt wrap, was very disapointed. made me and my buddy almost puke.
    although i do love juicy jays, and the strawberry fields (limited edition) papers are by far the best iv ever had and cotton candy. yum :smoke:
  5. I've also used a "warning sheet" paper to roll and it was terrible. 1 hit, put it out.
    My friend rolled a joint with paper from a bible and maple syrup. That sucked too.
    Not really a paper, but I hate grape blunts/wraps. Peach is pretty good, as well as
  6. Well, I used a reciept paper, but tried to cut out the parts with ink, which I pretty much did. It felt okay but I know it probably isn't the best thing to smoke.
  7. wtf? :)
  8. Worst paper: some cheap juicy jay's cherry crap, tasted bad and was near impossible to roll

    most unique: tampon wrapper, smoked great
  9. fuckin hate bambu. i know a lot of people use it but fuck bambu
  10. definitely weird :smoke:
  11. Funny that the juicy jay's were lower on your list than the tampon
  12. corn husk?!
  13. [​IMG]

    Orange King Size Rizla

    These things are super thick. They make the joint feel like it was made with printer paper.
  14. Dollar bill lol. Freshman year my best friends bro told us we could use it as a last resort. He lied.
  15. You don't roll blunts out of $20 bills? :rolleyes:
  16. old newspaper and weird hemp stems (crushed).
    tasted bad and I had an obscure nightmare.
  17. Red Rizlas. Basically any paper that isn't thin.
  18. These
  19. RAW, its like an unbleached "pure paper" it sucks.

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