What's the worst hangover you've ever had?

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by Mr Stoned, Jun 11, 2010.

  1. #1 Mr Stoned, Jun 11, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 11, 2010
    I had the worst hangover I've ever had today, felt like absolute DEATH. I felt that if I had to go through those feelings for much longer I wouldn't be able to take it, it was pretty worrying and has never happened before off just drink (I've had horrendous comedowns that make me feel that way, but never off just getting drunk). I usually go out on the phets and don't drink much, but I've stopped that and had a fucking HEROIC amount of vodka last night. Drank a bottle of Glenns before I went out and just kept powering on all night, my memories of it are extremely fragmented to say the least and I made a complete jackass of myself chatting so much shit, but had a great night regardless. My stomach feels very woozy now.
  2. The worst would have to be The morning after a night doing ecstasy
  3. Half a bottle of Jim Beam to myself in under 45 minutes.
    Hung over for a whole day afterward cause I didn't feel like puking.
    Day after I woke up and smoked a j, coughed, and puked.
    Felt so much better.
  4. Shit, two nights ago my playlist was something like this

    1g of Molly to myself (Yes, an astronomical amount)
    A bottle of Vladmir Vodka
    Blunts x1000000 (Lost count)

    Eye Wiggles + Vomit = No fun.
  5. Hah st. patty's day was pretty bad. I'm a college student and my roommate promised me free beers if I stayed in the dorm and drank with him instead of going to my 3:00. So we started drinking at 2:00, went to frat row, I smoked a bit and kept drinking keg beer...don't remember anything past 5:00, but apparently we were out till 11, lost my phone, came back, puked and passed out...

    Woke up with like 12 marker notches on my hand (cups of beer)((these were after we left my dorm btw, so it was probably closer to 20)). Hungover for about 2 days straight.. Sucked.

    But amphetamine crashes are so much worse. So fucking depressing. Pulled an all nighter for a paper, crashed like afternoon the next day, felt terrible, couldnt sleep or eat, suicidal thoughts, just way down in the dumps all that jazz. Fuck uppers, hate em
  6. Today is actually quite possibly the worst hangover I've ever had actually. I feel fucking terrible, smoked two joints earlier and they gave me an awful high, made me feel extremely anxious, depressed and self depreciative. But I've been doing mephedrone quite a lot in recent weeks and have now stopped, that could also be why.
  7. Worst Hangover was on New years.:eek:
    Sore thought,Everything i ate was so harsh even Water.
    was 2 1/2 days.
    But that night was the best of all. I had all kinds of tequilas & Beer.
    Cabritos,Bucanas,Azteca de oro and beer was mostly corona and Modelo
  8. I once puked at 10:30 pm from drinking the night before... It was a shitty day to say the least!
  9. when i was on holiday...the barmen were giving me free vodka and tonics all night when it got after like 11 o clock, i was wasted. i took 3 e's and woke up with the back of my eyeballs aching like a bitch, my head was pounding and i was sick a few times...spent the rest of the day in bed. :mad: good night though :D
  10. Worst ever would have to be the time I drank a ridiculous amount of dekypers peppermint schnapps and segrams 7 vodka.

    I remember going swimming in the pool with only my white boxer briefs on. Everyone could see everything.

    Next day I had to wake up early to work with my dad. (I worked summer weekends when he used to own his own landscaping/gardening business.)

    Got home still a little drunk, and completely hungover, but I think I hid it well.

    The job of the day was way out in the boonies at some farm/ranch place.

    So I take my usual duties of just mowing all the lawns. Puking whenever no one was looking.

    When I was done with all the lawns, my dad tells me to take the big DR mower and take out a section of bushes.

    I do this. And what kind of bushes were they?


    Needless to say my Dad wasn't very happy when I Ralphed all over the DR mower.
  11. doing x for a few days straight and only popping more and more to keep up.. horrible. also blow will fuck you over big time too..

    after 3 balls of blow, never think its a good idea to go to the mall of america at 10am after seeing the sun rise. got there and it hit us like we got hit by 1000 buses..

    also vodka redbulls into the wee hours of the morning before tailgating for a college football game. so going to sleep around 4am and waking up at 6am.. not working too well. my joints were fuct
  12. Worst hang over I had was the day after my birthday. You know how it is on your birthday, everyone is buying you drinks and shots, and you can't say no after someone has already bought it. Just disrespectful. So I had ALOT to drink that night. Next morning....oh...my.. god. I was awake but didn't get out of bed til about 4pm because I had to work in an hour. My mom had a little Thanksgiving dinner for us because she couldn't have a big family one because of work schedules. Well...my entire thanksgiving dinner ended up in the toilet. I then somehow drove to work all woozy and shit. Vomited as soon as I got out of my car when I got there. Then when inside, I had this MASSIVE headache and was going to the bathroom every 10 minutes to puke up NOTHING...literally nothing. I was puking up this yellow shit, and I was dry heaving like a mother fucker. I eventually got sent home, and layed in my bed the rest of the night.

  13. 11 shots of absinthe, 11 beers, 3 double gins ......... I think I must have actually had alcohol poisoning, apparently at one point I started eating cigarette butts because I thought they were "delicious almonds". I got a door fully slammed on my head that night too and didn't even feel it.
    Worst 48 hours of my life, I think the hangover was as bad as it's possible for a hangover to be without killing you, I remember lying paralysed just thinking "fuck, I'm dying".

    EDIT - I did the whole sugar louche thing with the absinthe too, I think that actually made it worse.
  14. I have the shittiest tolerance in the world when it comes to alcohol, but I'm happy to say I've never had a hangover, despite being shitfaced drunk, puking my guts out for hours. I think I have a natural resistance to them because of the Russian blood in my veins.
  15. Bottle of Bombay in just over an hour at the apartment. Apparently there were shots of jager in there too but I dont remember much after that. I lost my shoes somewhere between the apartment and the bar, and I remember ducking the line for cover and to get searched and waltzing into the bar in my socked feet. After that its pretty much blank. I heard stories about that night and fuck I spent alot of money. The next day I couldn't even hold down water. Take a drink and it would come right back up still cold. I had to sip on hot water pretty much all day, and way too hurtin to fall back asleep.
  16. Mate, I had 1 litre of sambuca on my 18th birthday. had to be admitted to hospital for intense vomitting and kept on a drip for 24 hours!!worst hangover waking up in a ward with old people that had spent the night, shitting themselves!!!:eek:
  17. Ive only had a few hangovers in my life. Then again i dont drink that much :wave:
    But i plan on doing 20 shots on my 20th birthday and 21 shots on my 21st birthday and so forth
  18. #18 bizzyninja, Jun 12, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 12, 2010
    Worst hangover for me was something I'll never forget.

    9th grade. I've only drank once before at a Halloween party (and not getting officially drunk because the 2nd bottle at this party was confiscated) we were determined to get drunk this time. So my buddy and I split the cost on a bottle of alcohol. Not knowing jack shit about it, the bottle was bacardi 151.

    Eventually my throat was numb that I couldn't feel the burn anymore and I was drinking straight from the bottle. Got kicked out because I was too drunk so we walked to his house. About 5min down the road I don't remember a thing that happened.

    Woke up not knowing where the fuck I was and puking blood. There was thick black/red shit all over the floor. My throat hurt so bad that I couldn't swallow my own spit without it hurting like hell. I was convinced I had burned a hole in my throat. I couldn't eat anything all day. Throat hurt for the next couple days. Luckily my friend wasn't nearly as hammered and was able to look out for me. Apparently I puked for hours on the street waiting for my friends parents to go to bed so we could go inside.

    Young and fuckin' stupid. Alcohol never tasted the same to me ever again, but that's ok because later on that year I discovered the ganja and never looked back.
  19. man i be on that other shit. i dont get hangovers. i get alcohol poisoning.
  20. Uhg fucking jello shots man
    my gf and i were invited to a party and like no one showed up and they had a shit load of jello shots and pj made so i had to help them finish it
    next morning i wake up and puke for like an hour straight and like 5 more times throughout the day
    i hate jello shots

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