i was watching drunk in love music video by beyonce while taking a shit at work at one point she lifts up this trophy on the beach that looks like the exact one i got from playing soccer back in 7th grade lmao no idea why that was such a huge turn on. ran downstairs and blew a load all over a leather chair not the weirdest thing porn-wise but highly unusual for me i guess
Lol I've never done it to anything weird but when I was young and new to masturbating I use to always think about Stacy Keibler. Worked every time
wtf that's weird? ive been doing that without realizing... i told a girl i jerked off to her facebook once, i ended up hooking up with her that weekend lol
when I was 12 or 13 I took a pair of my friends moms panties and would masturbate all over them. then I would plant them under my friends bed and he would find them and be like "wtf".. hehe.