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Whats the point?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by CanadianToken, Feb 8, 2011.

  1. What's the point of matching weed? If say Person A has 0.5g, and person B has .5g, and you put them together, you still get the same amount when you smoke it together ( unless one takes more hits, ect.) . So what's the point?
  2. So you and your friend can smoke without owing one another...
  3. To not smoke a lot of weed, but you get to smoke with a buddy.
  4. 1. You get to smoke with a friend, or meet someone new.

    2. If you just go and smoke that .5 with them when you could have brought .5, you are being a mooch.

    3. If you smoke with somebody and they usually provide the weed, it is good taste to smoke them up a bit too.
  5. why wouldnt you want to smoke with someone.......they might even have better weed
  6. What would Jesus do?

  7. Go out with his 12 pals on a friday and not come back until sunday.

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