Whats The Point Of Introducing Religion At A Young Age

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by chickenoregg, May 19, 2013.

  1. Private schools tell you to worship the cross, Public schools tell you to worship the State. Same same in my eyes.
    I was raised in a private, Catholic school - we wore uniforms and went to Church on Tuesday's (along w/ the default Sunday Mass). I don't feel brainwashed - I never believed most of what they were telling us. I remember being 8 or 9 in religion class, thinking - 'What a bunch of bullshit, just like Santa Claus.'
    What's good about private schools like this? Their quality in education. When I moved to a public school I was 2 years ahead of most students in my grade in math, science, and reading. Kinda funny, the school's that shove 'bullshit' down the throats of kids are better at getting them to learn basic math/reading/science than the schools who universally focus on these theme. 
    And if you guys think brainwashing only takes place in private schools - have a gander at this video

  2. and this is why I stay as far away from religion as physically possible.
  3. Public school indoctrination is a far more pervasive phenomenon than kids being brainwashed with Christianity. Both educational methods harm the autonomy of the individual, and society as a whole.
    People who hate the Church are just blind to the fact the State education does just as much damage. Both institutions are fucked, imo :smoking:
  4. The ignorance and bigotry in this thread is insane. Someone teaches a child something about religion and they are brainwashing them? God forbid parents try and give their children lessons in being a good person and shit. Just because they use religion as a guide doesn't mean every single kid taught something religious is being brainwashed. What do you expect kids to learn everything by themselves? Do you think a kid learning math is being brainwashed into being a slave? Or a kid being taught about health is being brainwashed by big pharma? God I hope weed is never legal. Most of you do not deserve the freedom. 
  5. #65 Baked 4 Life, May 25, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: May 25, 2013
    I believe that parents should let their kids choose their beliefs for themselves. Kids shouldn't be told that they have to follow all the rules in some fictitious book or there going to go to hell when they die. Kids tend to believe most of what they hear, whether it makes any sense or not. Especially if it's there parents saying it. As people grow they make mistakes and learn from them. I have no problem with parents talking to their kids about their beliefs, as long as it's not being force fed to them. People can raise their kid to have good morals without god. God does not make people good. Most of the Bible belt people I talk to get instantly angry as soon as you start questioning their beliefs because there's so many questions religion can't answer they have to start personally attacking you.
    Even if I cannot stand your beliefs I still think you should be able to express them; and I still think you should be able to get high. Were you absent the day 'love thy neighbor' & 'turning the other cheek' was taught?
    The problem with most 'Christians' is they live their life in the exact opposite manner Christ would - selfish, conceited, arrogant, pushy, stubborn, and blood thirsty. It's hard to want to follow such hypocrisy :smoking:
  7. Yep lets let kids eat nothing but junk food, and run around killing everyone and believe in an ice cream god. I mean you do want them to have their own beliefs..
  8. #68 SiriusWolff, May 25, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: May 25, 2013
    Wrong. Darwinism gives you the chance to not believe it or question it, religion does neither. Also it's presented as a theory not all knowing truth. The point is teaching a child to think critically and deciding for themselves not forcing them to believe in your idea of what's right. If my kid decides to be christian i'm fine with that if he doesn't i'm ok with that as well.
    Also i was raised christian and went to a quaker private school. Although the classees were about 2 grades ahead of public school they were very strict and any sign of questioning their way was immediately repremanded. Honestly all God did for me was scare the every living fuck out of me. I was so afraid of hell that i believed and did what they said out of fear not because i loved god. Some girl at church camp said god talked to her and everyone surrounded her crying saying what a blessing. Doesn't that sound fucking crazy?
  9. If that was directed at me than you missed my point completely. Parents should guide their kids, but not shove their their beliefs down their kids throats, because their kids aren't them. They are their unique and don't deserve to be brainwashed. As a child grows they should be able to make their own judgement about what path they want to follow because humans should be free to chose their own faith or lack of faith. I have no problem with religion, except when i see it being drilled into children's minds before they are even able to talk. We're only here for a short time and I believe we should get as much enjoyement out of life as we can, and not live in fear because of something called God, because in the end whose to say what God is the right God.
  10. And let me just say this, there is a ton of pressure on children of religious families to follow the beliefs and are many times shunned if they openly admit they believe otherwise.
  11. like how some in this thread feel like you cant teach your child good morals and values without religion. like religion somehow just is the perfect answer,that's a very biased view imo
    You can teach science in schools without books too. So let's all be immature and start talking shit on books now too. 
  13. wow, pretty big jump there lol. take it your a christian?  
  14. Learning MATH is not a set of beliefs, guidelines, and social rules to follow like organized religion is. Compairing the two is ignorant. You can teach about spirituality without organized religion. All religion is, is taking the already spiritual nature of human beings, and manipulating that spiritual need to form social order and a following. Teach your God, teach your morals, teach good social values, but you do not need organized religion in order to do it. Teaching religion is an indoctrination into that particular religious social structure, you can be spiritual and teach that spirituality without it.
    Humans are cooperative beings, we don't need religion to teach us to love each other, we need compassion for and from other human beings. Religion teaches us nothing that humans don't already know, but we've always been led to believe that we are stupid primitive assholes, we need this social religion to find spirituality and save ourselves from our primitive sinfullness, pft ridiculous garbage. The interaction with our fellow human beings is all the religion we need, the downfall of our society isn't lack of religion, it's lack of communicating and interacting with each other. The internet is great, but it's further isolated us, keeps us indoors and away from people, and it's a great way to show everyone how scary the other person in Ubekabekastan is.... so it's safer to stay away from everyone.... 
    Religion only misguides people away from their true spiritual self. It's a sad thing to manipulate a child into.
    Nope. I don't belong to any religion. FYI,There are hundreds more religions than Christianity you know. If you are going to throw one of them under the bus as least don't be so ignorant and throw them all under. 
  16. oh trust me all organized religion to me is junk. our world would be better off if  we embraced ourself and strived to improve our character individualy, instead of worrying what a man in a cloud,under a tree,or a giant spagetti monster will think.
  17. Kids have easily impressionable minds, especially when being taught by their parents. 
    Parents think they are doing the right thing, after all, Christianity in its essence requires a belief in Jesus etc. to be accepted into Heaven, and what good parent wouldn't want that for their kids? Its fucked up, really, that vicious cycle that entraps well-intentioned people and turns them into pawns for its own fucked up game of chess.
    Only drugs can save them! Drugs, do all the drugs!
  18. I personally do not approve, but it's every parent's right to raise their children in the way they see fit. Obviously, it's not my place to interfere. But I do support knocking the idiotic notions down every chance I get. I've lost friends due to the way I voice my opinions. And I regret nothing. I'm planting seeds of much needed doubt, and I have the right to attack ideas because ideas have no rights. People do. I respect an individual's right to resolve, but I'm going to point out every ridiculous, ill-contrived idea I come up against because that is my right.

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  19. Just because someone goes to Church doesn't mean they are brainwashed.
    I was raised in an open Brethren Christian church. I went most Sunday mornings with my parents. I vividly remember in Sunday School I was not able to contribute to much of the conversation, as I never really paid much attention. The other kids knew everything about the bible and I seemed to know nothing haha. I think this is due to the fact that my parents didn't make us do bible study at home, we basically didn't even talk about God at home.
    When I was 12 I stopped believing, but continued to go to church to see friends. When my Dad became extremely depressed, he stopped going, and my sisters and I eventually stopped too - my parents let us decide when we were old enough if we wanted to go or not. I'm now 25 and no one in my family goes to church, we are all pretty much agnostics. I'm not angry with my parents for taking me to church - they gave me the option when I was older to do what I want to do and they will support me no matter what. I had a fantastic childhood and going to church did not hinder this at all.
    The hypocrisy in this thread is not only hilarious, but also extremely sickening. 
  20. What hypocrisy?

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