What's the Future of These Forums

Discussion in 'General' started by Vee, Feb 3, 2024.

  1. #1 Vee, Feb 3, 2024
    Last edited: Feb 3, 2024

    Some of my buddies have quit their special interest forums (garden, cars, tattoos etc)\for the likes of streaming sites like, BitChute, Dailymotion, Flickr, Rumble, Vimeo, and YouTube and then wrap themselves up in a Patron account to get some cash flowing, at least it will buy a camera a year, for us in the weed world with only some states being legal and soon very many more, should we consider leaving the closest of the forum to be even more public

    this is a tough one, unless GC can also stream vids whatta you think

  2. IDK But I Ride Till The Wheels Fall Off I Love Grass City Dearly. IDC Bout Any Other Site Even Half As Much.

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  3. It’ll be phased out eventually
  4. This forum? Id say as long as our good lady RMJL is kicking this forum will be here. We really should thank her and the mods for this site. It's been a treasure chest of weed stories, growing information, and archives.

    I don't know what the future of the Internet looks like or this website but I doubt it will ever phase into the streaming world.
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  5. it would never had occurred to me that someone would kill themselves over a bad post
    on their social media, but it does happen says CNN

    To watch yet another Tycoon claim this an that, knowing that any govt. move will cost him millions
  6. Internet bullying has been a thing for years. I thought it was kind of outdated but I have seen a lot of it on social media in the last couple of years. Almost like everyone is on edge
  7. Wont ever be updated again or have money thrown at it, High Tide (acquired GC a few years ago)
    they will phase it out, or as soon as something becomes a security risk with old tech it will be wiped.
    • Agree Agree x 1
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  8. Actually, I had a meeting with the Managing Director about 6 weeks ago and updating the forums was one of the first things mentioned by him. I found that to be encouraging. :)
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  9. From experience members should back up their pics soon

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