whats the difference between a christian and a schizophrenic

Discussion in 'Religion, Beliefs and Spirituality' started by smoketheherb, Aug 21, 2003.

  1. lol. well, ive exp.. once that light came up within my body and shinned outward, it totaly blinded me all i could see was light and it sounded like i was in a wave in the ocean, i freaked and ran off but could only see light and ran right into a door jam, fn hert. but i dont say it was God, just another life exp.

  2. No, when the UN says: Well the Jews have had it bad, lets just kick out the Palstinians since this is the Jews' land it'll be okay. If a guy came to you and said this is my ancestors' land and had the UN backing him up and kicking your ass to the curve, you wouldn't fight to the death? Not saying religion doesn't have a part in it, but thank the UN for this. (Too bad I wasn't in charge of the US's foreign policy... goodbye Israel from any funds)

    As far as the level of hipocracy in Christianity..... find me a case of any profession or any person that doesn't perform at least 1 act of hipocracy in their life. Hipocracy is everywhere, religion, science, politics, education, etc.

  3. Well if religion teaches us hypocracy, of course it will spill over into other aspects of society.

  4. does life imitate art or does art imitate life.

    does religion spread the hypocracy into the rest of society or does the hypocracy spread to religion, it unavoidably being already present in our society.

    dontchya just love those ones. :D

    we all know the answer is both. but what's funnier is that this points to yet another path of logical thinking that makes christianity crumble to its knees. i can't speak much for other religions, but christianity through and through... it suffers from it. whether the hypocracy was inherent from the beggining or if "society" is to blame, is irrelevant. point is, chrystianity is now synonymous with hypocracy. :p

    but back to the original point, about skitzofreenya.........

    ..... lemme just conferr with myselves.
    :p ^ raised a christian! ^
  5. for the wise ones, life and art are 2 different names for the same thing.

  6. and by that token...

    then so are religion and hypocracy. :D

    i've come to the same conclusion again in a different path that i have come to through so many other routes.
  7. I duno how old this thread is but still... In reply to TooSicKs- You say that relegion has bought more death and desruction than love etc. I dont believe this is true. I think that the death is down to people, they then use the relegion as a means of justifying the war etc. I know this isnt always true tho. But i think it still comes down to the Humans, not the relegion.

    I am a Christian but i'm not a strong believer. I dont exactly know for sure wether God and Relegion is all completely true because there is no proof. I find it hard to have faith in a god that we cant see, hear or prove. And we arent even meant to be able to concieve because he/she is omnipotent etc.
    I duno relegion is crazy...
    Peace out

  8. It's 20,000 words. How pained could you possibly be?
  9. I mean I'm a christian(cannabis christian)...I pray every night and stuff but I dont talk to God....I have a friend who thinks hes the 3rd coming of Jesus and has been here for billions of years......I say hes fucked up......Look at all the religons, they are all heading the same way....Also if you notice, God does NOT speak in the bible except for a few verses. I think people who wrote the bible might have been under the influence of something and were imagining it......

  10. not going to make a big scene... just pointing out that the Bible teaches to get rid of your ego and pride as well (pride being defined as thinking more of yourself than you ought to). so yeah...
  11. smoke the herb i dont think you understand the point of religion. its not to take all of the words of the bible literally. christians dont generally believe that the stories of the bible actually happened. the point is that all of the stories in the bible have morals to them that DO teach good values to people.
  12. you are CERTAINLY not intended to take the stories literally. the people you know don't reflect the point of christianity as a whole, just a few people who are missing the point and then give you a false impression (which indeed is at least partially their fault not yours)

    i just think all religions have value.

    its easy to just look at a religion, take all the stories at face value and say HAHA THIS SHIT DOESNT MAKE SENSE, but it takes some intelligence and maturity to realize that the text is thousands of years old, and although culture may have changed so that the specifics of the stories are no longer current, the basic ideas behind the stories still represent the most important lessons that many people will ever learn.

    i am shocked by the close-minded intolerance of all these "i hate all religions" threads.
  13. #35 Tunguso, Nov 28, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 28, 2010

    Tell it like it is, well done. Church for many is a instution that allows mental illness to flourish. However for some people it provides some form of framework for their mental illnesss to exist in, and they have support and a oppurtunity not to get to lost in the negatives. Sometimes church provides the lesser of the two evils allowing sanctuary for insanity and hope for the anxious.

  14. By that logic we can no longer believe in abraham lincoln, as a matter of fact just about anything in history. Everything was written down that we know of and to accept what you read in the newspaper or internet or school or any form of written knowledge yet argue against the bible because it was written by a man is entirely hypocritcal and holds no validity.
  15. a tree seen from another angel is not a different tree

    if you find the true heart of Christianity you will find the same peace a Buddhist monk would find in his meditations

    Hindus actually consider christianity to be a way of following Bhakti Yoga , which is said to be the way to god through Love , it stresses the importance of feeling apart from god so the soul can Love admire and worship him rather then other yoga's that try to feel united with god.

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