Whats the deal with science

Discussion in 'Science and Nature' started by captain_crook, Feb 20, 2009.

  1. my personal opinion is that quantum mechanics will show more uniformity in the future, as we understand more of whats going on

    for example, many people are still trying to unify modern science, while THAT may be impossible. I believe that, in all likelihood, newton was wrong, and as such a majority of what has been done since is based on incorrect assumptions

    I feel that when the correct theory is truly established, it will inherently cover both the very large and the very small, and as such not require unification.
  2. i think your right about newton being wrong. i think einstein was wrong too. but i dont share your hope for quantum mechanics. i feel that as humans we may just not have the tools or knowledge to fully understand the workings of the universe. it is an endless quest. i guess its fun to keep occupied though
  3. yeah, i also think einsteins equations are flawed, but I think more of his concepts were correct than newtons

    einstein attempted to explain *why* the equations were as they were, and thats a big step. newton only made equations that fit what he was able to observe, and thats the problem. we now know there is a lot more going on than what can be observed with primitive tecnique and comprehension.

    einstein's work is based largely on concepts developed from newtons flawed physical reality. while einstein may have been correct, his application of it to an incorrectly assumed universe could be his only flaw....or he could also be outright wrong. i think thats less likely

    newton's flaws shouldnt be attributed to him, as what he did was astounding, and im not bringing into question his genius. Im just saying that he was limited by constraints out of his control, and that inherently he had no chance. In time, Einstein could also prove victim to the same fate, and its possible that you are correct and we can never fully understand the full realm of existence.

    i dont believe that though. I feel that as a whole, the human race is becoming more intelligent. we dont need a lot of our instincts/protection systems for survival now, and its possible that as such more time is spent developing our cognitive facilities. maybe simply recording history has led to the rate of growth, and could also explain the acceleration...we constantly learn from the past, as there is more past to learn from we can assimilate more knowledge now than 100 yrs ago, and as populations increase we have more people establishing new knowledge today than previously, meaning that we will gain more knowledge through experimentation in the next 20 years than we did in the previous 100. these guesstimates are arbitrary, just showing the point that we are getting smarter.

    this doesnt address whether or not we have a genetic limitation directly, but its important to remember that we dont know much about how the brain works period, so its not fair to say whether or not there is a limit to what we can absorb given time.

    the reason i have some hope towards quantum mechanics is that there really are some compelling theories that lie there. I dont think we have a completely correct answer yet, but we do have some that are correct given certain conditions...much as we have with newtons and einsteins work. BUT, i think with a better understanding of the very small (quantum world) and a reworking of the very large (newton and einstein's contributions) that the correct answer will have more similarities to ideas currently floating in the quantum mechanics community...most namely m string theory.
  4. I completely agree with everything you said and i could not have said it better. reading your response made me think of a part of the movie "waking life" where they talk of a telescopic evolutionary effect. here is a link to the excerpt [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=saxX-Z6w3p4"]YouTube - Telescopic Evolution - Waking Life excerpt[/ame].
    rethinking this has given me new hope that perhaps in the future given our exponentially increasing rate of gathering new knowledge we may be able to fully understand the workings of our universe. perhaps this will be the mayan 2012, that would be awesome.

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