Whats the deal with Juicy Jays?

Discussion in 'Smoking Accessories Q&A' started by T-Wrecksx420x, Jan 25, 2010.

  1. so i know they passed that one bill banning flavored tobacco but i went to a headshop today and they had watermelon and mango i think. we got a pack of watermelon because im afraid that those two display boxes are the last they will get. my other headshop had their juicy jays confinscated. its retarted. i want to buy a shit load. i never knew there was fucking 35 FLAVORS until today either!!. i wanna order one of each Juicy Jay's 35 Huge Mixed Bag - JAY 015. i doubt it will even ship cuz the bill. THEY TASTE SO GOOD

    edit: smoked a watermelon joint....oh man. these are the only papers that actually change the taste of the smoke somewhat.
  2. I think thats mostly what stores had left over...theyre becoming extinct
  3. where do you live? everywhere sells them here
  4. florida. your stores may just have a large amount left over
  5. idk what the whole flavored tobacco ban thing is, but every place around here still sells everything they used to
  6. All of my local shops still sell flavored papers and blunt wraps.
  7. JucyJay's blue-berry :D
  8. The ban only effects cigarettes, not cigars, blunts, blunt wraps, or papers. Essentially nothing has changed. I can't even think of one thing that has changed other than Clove cigarettes becoming Clove cigars.
  9. the clove cigarettes and cigars are completely different..... the cigars are total shit compared to the original cigarettes
  10. That used to be the truth.

    The ban was extended to Juicy Jays and other flavored papers by the FDA. To be honest, there is nothing that suggests that they have the authority to regulate something that is not a food or drug. If there is a legal battle... the FDA will lose or there will be a change in law to allow them to do what they're trying to do.

    I'm saddened to say this.. but I think it will be the latter. :(
  11. I dont think the ban is even in effect yet. So they shouldnt be pulling them off the shelves yet. Jucies are the shit though
  12. yes it is.... its been in effect since last year...

    shops can just sell off the remaining stock.
  13. The entire family tobacco bill is multifaceted and has different deadlines for different things. The ban on flavored tobacco and papers has already taken effect.

  14. The ban does affect flavored papers.
    Juicy Jays® Flavored Rolling Papers by Rolling Supreme® - ©2010
  15. IMHO they are rank anyway. Let's move forward with weed tasting cones. :smoke:

  16. that would be amazing...I like blunt wraps, but I would love flavored hemp blunt size papers..that burn slow.
  17. I dont know about juicy jays, but around here they stopped selling flavored blunt wraps. Its rare if you find a store selling them nowadays around here.:mad:
  18. I can still buy them in my area.... and all the convenience stores seem to be restocking as if they're still receiving shipments. :confused_2:
  19. I can still buy them too...I feel bad for this indian guy that owns a store near where I work at..theres a lot of people around there that smoke weed..he's probably going to loose some profit. Whats funny is, there is a ban on tobacco wraps..but he can sell cd scales, glass pipes, 1 hitters and papers..how fucked up is our country?
  20. There is not a ban on tobacco wraps. There is a ban on flavored cigarettes and papers... it is unclear whether or not the FDA intends this to apply to flavored blunt wraps but as of now they are still being sold and distributed.

    There is nothing in the law that grants the FDA authority to ban non-food or drug items like paper. Juicy Jays will certainly bring suit to defend their bottom line and barring a change of law or a grave injustice, the FDA will lose.

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