What's The Craziest/Most Philisophical Thing You've Thought Of

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by Birra, Mar 9, 2009.

  1. what if we are part of a bigger picture and like a social experiment conducted by aliens or sentient beings or something "above" us is the social chain and what if with all the earthquakes and tornadoes are put there to see how we react to them idno in my mind it seems possible o well i guess we'll probably never know :smoking:
  2. Haha these are great!
    One time I compared drugs to Jesus when talking with my friend about how sometimes you feel "one with the earth" (VERY stonery I know) on shrooms or bud. I said: "you know how in church, when you go and get communion you are like eating the body of christ, and you do that in order to become one with god in a way, like he is within you, becomes part of you? Well when you do this stuff, you're taking something from mother earth earth herself and consuming it, putting it inside your body, and she becomes one with you, and you with her, and you're so much more open to accept her vibes and shit, like the full experience she offers... I guess in that way drugs are the same a jesus"

    biggest stoner moment of my life, yet i thought i was like fucking socrates :smoking:
  3. :eek: Lol this is exactly the theory I came up with today while baked. Worded the same and everything. What the fuck, haha. I was talking to my friend and this is almost exactly what I said,
    "So, what if the world is just an experiment that a greater force or aliens or something are putting together? What if we are just in a giant dome? And they can control the weather and environment just to see how human beings react to it." :smoking:
  4. In the first dimension, I am a point on a line. In the second dimension, I am a point in a plane. In the third, I am a point in three dimensional space.

    In the fourth, all three primary dimensions are a point on a line. In the fifth, all three primary dimensions are in a point on a plane. In the sixth, all three primary dimensions are a point in a higher three dimensional space.

    The fourth dimension describes a fixed point in time, the fifth describes an entire timeline, and the sixth describes all possible timelines.

    I am a point on a line, on a plane, in 3d space, within a point on a timeline, among all possible timelines.

    But there must be different universes where the rules are different, so there must be more dimensions.
  5. There are 11 dimensions in which every bubble universe resides.
  6. I think you're on to something. ;)

    (shhh, let's keep it between us) . . .
  7. Its all relationships between time and space, time being a line, 2d space being the options, and 3d space representing our expanding options as space itself, and the cycle repeats :smoking:

  8. Nah, I have that all the time, or like I'm part of "Deja Vu"... if you haven't watched it do it. It's like people that aren't their are seeing me do everything and it just makes me paranoid as hell. But then when I'm stoned Im like.... what if I'm like a genetically created embryo since Im adopted and whatnot and it is just the weirdest feeling ever. It feels liek you should have superpowers or something.

    (P.S.) Some girl in russia claims to have X-ray vision... Embryoooo

  9. Yeah dude, like... In the first dimension you're just a point on a line, no options. Then you're a point on a plane, a whole new dimension of options. Etc. And it does repeat when you marry position with time and imagine it in the same fashion. I'm convinced there's a third level. Possibility.

    Maybe 7, 8, and 9 are dimensions of possibility, in which all possible universes are described and all the things that can happen within each possible universe and all possible positions within each possible universe are described. :smoking:

    It seems like a nice symmetry too. Three sets of three.

    Maybe we are all nine dimensional beings limited to understanding only four.

    I feel like I'm describing the stoner's string theory. I think they got like 11 dimensions in string theory. I'm getting to 9. Can't see how you go beyond literally all possibilities. Maybe one final dimension where a god exists. Maybe not. I don't believe in gods myself but I never rule it out.
  10. what if people with schizophrenia, the kind who see people who aren't there. well what if those people do exist somewhere out in the world or in time and are schizophrenic and those you have schizophrenia are one the "imaginary people" in this particular persons head.

    1.you have schizophrenia and you see people who aren't there
    2. those people actually exist somewhere in the world and/or time
    3. you are somebody who this person(the person you see who you believe to not exist) sees and takes as imaginary

  11. I thought i was the only one!!!!:hello:

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