What's The Craziest/Most Philisophical Thing You've Thought Of

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by Birra, Mar 9, 2009.

  1. -If Aliens smoke weed
    -That there are other planets with humans
    -I wonder whats happening on mars
  2. the entire universe is one body. the galaxies are like blood cells and we are tiny complex organelles. WAIT i just thought of something.. we haven't found any other life other than on earth so maybe we are like a cancer to the body. the timeline of the body would be a lottttt longer than that of humans. so things go a lot slower. we eventually will move to other planets and even galaxies just like cancer cells move. our lifespans are incredibly short when compared to the lifespan of this body. just like human cells lifespans are incredibly short compared to us.

    Im on to somethin.
  3. blind ppl actually see in a whole diff world.
    our blue might be there green and etc.
    animals are actually people

  4. That is actually true, not a what if
  5. that color thing is pretty crazy..

    but this one time I was really high, and I started thinking that what we call aliens, are really us, but like in the future. And whenever we see them, its us going back in time to learn more about our past. We're more evolved, and in diffrent time frames. I thought of that one night when i was out in the woods smoking, looking at the stars.

  6. blind people are blind lol if they could see anything at all they wouldn't be blind.. all they see is darkness.

    animals could be like very wise people who have been reincarnated to watch over certain people who will have an impact on the world. its fun to watch your cat or dog and think about that.
  7. id go as far as to say that it is.
  8. space time continuum

    i would explain it but i was high as fuck and my friend and i both forgot

    it had something to do with space being measured in time, not actual space. Because in space everything we measure is by lightyears, how fast light travels through said space. Not actual miles or kilometers.

    there is more but im too lazy to go into it right now

  9. lol oh true. you didn't really say anything philosophical.. not hatin just sayin.
  10. I think it's weird how the simple decisions our parents made brought us here.
    Like my Dad could have died in a carcrash before meeting my mom & I would have never been here. THAT'S SUM CRAZY SHIT but true.

    & have you ever just took a good look/examination of your own eyes just how they reflect everything it's the most craziest part of the human body besides the brain.
  11. well for me the biggest revelation i had was thinking that the universe, everything in life is merely an illusion, and that none of this exits.

    also, i grappled with reincarnation, and the fact that i could have been anything in my past lives, a murdurer, a fruit, a bird, a piece of dog shit.
  12. Squidward is kinda shaped like a dick
  13. haha my sophomore bio teacher told me that too!
    thats crazy..
  14. I remember watching Carl Sagan's "Pale Blue Dot" stoned and it was mindblowing. It made me realize that us, humans, are nothing more than subatomic particles on a grain of sand in an infinite beach. We act like shit is so important, but in a cosmic sense, everything we do is pointless. It makes me wonder why we are even here

    After that, I watched Donnie Darko and was grappling with the whole time travel theory it proposed. Our entire existence at this point could just be a parallel universe to what "reality" is. Perhaps we can partially remember things that happened to us in parallel universes, and that is what deja vu is.

    It's a shame that I will die without knowing so many of life's mysteries
  15. #735 Industrial, Sep 27, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 27, 2009
    I don't think that's the point Carl Sagan was trying to make. Human society might be small, but even the universe is small compared to the vast multiverse. From that point of view everything is insignificant.

    However, everything is relative. The quark is small compared to the atom, the atom is small compared to a cell, a cell is small compared to a human, humans are small compared to the earth, the earth is small compared to the sun, the sun is small compared to the Milky Way, and so on. However, that doesn't make small things any less important.

    Size aside, humans are the most complex and advanced organization of matter. Our nervous system is organized in such a way that allows us to reflect the natural world, given to us through our sense-organs. We are matter that has become aware of its own existence, and it has the ability to change its own fate. As soon as we first held the primitive tool in our hand, we distinguished ourselves from the rest of the Animal Kingdom, and for the first time became free. All of human existence has been a struggle with nature, in order to pacify nature. We are nature. We are the natural world, concentrated into a complex machine, like the winding of a clock. Once the spring has finally unwound, life ceases, and we die.

    So to accommodate for that, we perpetuate our species, through an endless succession of generations, in our conquest for objective truth. The individual is limited, but through culture, science, art, technology, and an endless succession of generations, we can live forever.

    That is why we must master all the culture of the past. It's not unimportant just because the universe is big. There can be nothing more important than the survival of our own species. Study history, learn about the past, and open your eyes to what's objectively going on in the world.

    The philosophers have only interpreted the world. The point, however, is to change it.
  16. We live to die. Everything all around us is something to take up time in the space allotted we have a a life. Like...the T.V in our room..jobs..Money..We could all be perfectly fine off without all of it, but what would we do? we would follow our instinct of running around killng each other, but our adapted logic has allowed us to overcome those instinct. so it's a big cycle, right?
  17. what if weed is like a key that unlocks this whole other dimension or unlocks another part of the human brain that really exists as a real place. And that using drugs like weed to open that is something we're supposed to do. And also, if smoking weed opens or pushes the full stretch of our concious mind, so that even when we're sober we can still kinda think "outside of the box" because our mind has been stretched. Kinda like if you blow up a baloon, and then let the air out, it won't go back to its original shape, blowing it up expands it and makes it different even w/ the air out. That's what weed does to our minds and our reality.

    And that the only reason marijuana has thc is for us to do this. There are thousands of plants in the world that have no effect on the human mind, so why is it important for thc to be in cannabis? What purpose does it serve?
  18. What if the 2nd dimension is you before you were born, and now we are in the 3rd dimension. When we die we just go to the 4th dimension. So our entire existence, if you believe we exist forever, has been here on the earth. And everyone who has ever lived or will ever live is just in a different dimension than us right now. So there are people, ghosts whatever you want to call them living all around us all the time.
  19. that's an interesting idea

    but the 4th dimension is time.
  20. Not only are we composed of other living things, but our very consciousness is also a collaborative effort of tens and thousands of other living things.

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