What's The Craziest/Most Philisophical Thing You've Thought Of

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by Birra, Mar 9, 2009.

  1. Basically I just want to hear some weird revelations from people while they were high. Example-

    -Take The Matrix. What if we are all just dreaming and our bodies are being used as batteries by giant robots?

    -What if each person perceives a color as a different color? Like my blue may be your green, and my red may be your purple, but we would never know?

    One I saw from another thread. What if I'm mentally retarded and just don't know it, since I am handicapped?

    What if we are just small bacteria/organisms on a petri dish of some giant alien that is studying us?

    I would just like to hear everyones weird philisophical thoughts lol.
  2. My sophomore bio teacher used to tell us that. I knew he was a stoner :p
    i've always wondered that one.

    I thought about something the other day. All humans are are connections. Sure, we're born with a certain amount of originality and preset likes/dislikes, but every experience we have rubs off on us to change us. If you're walking down the street and a dog bites you, from now on if you see a dog you'll walk on the other side of the street if you see a dog. Imagine that on a larger scale - and it's human.
  3. -the color thing that you mentioned which is pretty crazy

    -if almost everyone in the world(most of them secretly) smoke weed

    -Smoking weed allows you to understand life itself, in the way that it actually is, that people who don't smoke are completely oblivious too.

    -How comptuers are made. Yes they are made of computer parts, but how was the first part of the computer created and how is it so REAL, it doesnt make sense

    -Wtf is the internet.
  4. Imagine if the world we were living on was actually a living thing.

  5. what if all the plantets form parts of like an organ. then the galaxies that are all together are the organ and in turn they formt he body of a whole new being. oh yea, its out there
  6. -Where did the first ball of energy come from to from everything we know?

    -Why do things not always go smoothly? For instances, why don't things happen perfectly in life so there is never any conflicts between people?

    -Who was the first person to invent music? Who thought "Oh, jee, this sounds good, now let me elaborate this and add some more things into it and make it longer."

    -How did people invent words and letters? How do we know that "A" sounds like Ayy and so on.
  7. - What if when you die you wake up right away just like how it is in a dream and everything was all in your head.
  8. philosophy

    maybe you should start here^^^

    But for me some philosophical things I have thought up would be what would it be like to be in a 4th dimension while everyone else stayed in thus which we are in stuck in as of now

    Another would be I personally believe there are other life forms out there and what if they do invade us and the microscope one is pretty apparent with this theory as well like what if there are extraterrestrials yet they have us as a human race in a petri dish???

    thats all i got for now
  9. Lol I didn't even know that section existed
  10. I think about both those things a lot. Thinking about the eye color thing even when I'm not high is pretty trippy too, haha.

    But as of right now, I'm in the middle of wondering if my life is like the Truman Show, and everyone around me is just like, an actor. And I've spent my entire life in one huge room building thing. Wtfffff.:smoking:
  11. I read in an article in Popular Science a while ago that there's a good chance (i dont remember what %) that are world is just a computer program. When im high i think of that sometimes...
  12. That your mind could be independent of your brain (Hope that makes sense)

    Every thought we have is finite and like a loop, when we've thought through it completely we end up back at the beginning (maybe that's just me idk)
  13. what if the actual universe is so big that our galaxy is like a single atom in comparison to said galaxy
  14. Communication? If I walk up to my sister and tell her I like the red dress she is wearing, and she says "no it's purple..." obviously we are going to try and figure out what the fuck is going on.

  15. Nooo you don't understand. I would explain it, but I would do a very poor job.

  16. Not quite. I meant what if someone else's color palette that they perceive with their brain is different. It's kind of hard to explain, but basically I mean like if the sky was red for one person, but that red was interpreted as blue by their brain. So take those marijuana posters you see that go under the blacklight, someone would perceive the world like that with totally flip flopped colors, but it would be normal to them. Idk how to explain it any better than that, sorry
  17. Oh, I see what your saying. Not sure how I missed that, I'm not even high... maybe that's the problem :devious::smoke:.

  18. Lol, it certainly does help
  19. I think about that color shit all the time, like what if everybody perceives the world differently, but nobody can explain it so you'll never know.

    Also how us humans are seriously just the smallest inkling of life in the universe, there are millions of galaxys with planets who may also have life on them with creatures thinking the same thing as us. How there are different timelines of different infinities which all contain universes and galaxys and planets with other living lives, the thoughts you can think of when researching other dimentions.

    Mind boggling.
  20. Yeah, I think everyone thinks about other life forms every once in awhile. There has got to be something out there.

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