Whats the big hype over MW2?

Discussion in 'Gamer's Heartbeat' started by Dr.Weed, Jan 20, 2010.

  1. I dont understand it, Ive played it multiple times for multiple hours and I gatta say I like Cod:4 MW1 a lot more. Is anyone else with me on this??
  2. i dk i think all cod games r trash i prefer when it take precise aim 2 kill some1

  3. If you like PC games, and you have steam. Day of Defeat Source is a very good game. Basically like Counter Strike cept its World War 2. Very fun game.
  4. I thought MW2 was awesome for about two weeks then I lost interest. It got very old, very quick.
  5. The story mode in MW2 was amazing, i wish that it was longer instead of all of the online perks and stuff. I don't know why, but online for this game got really boring for me, real quick. I'll stick with my halo for a fun game to play online. Sure MW2's more realistic, but the whole "camp for a minute, pop out, two shots and you're dead" thing got on my nerves quick.
  6. Its CoD4 with too many killstreaks, and crappier maps.

    EDIT: And to the dude above me, Modern warfare isnt realistic at all, since when does every soldier have an arm like Dan Marino? Those motherfuckers throw those grenades like 150 yards.

  7. Lol, so are you with me that COD4 was much better??
  8. 150 yards? I'm lucky to get 20 yards.
  9. #9 Jdahms, Jan 20, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 20, 2010
    It's just like the hype that surrounds Kimbo Slice...

    Bunch on nonsense.

    MW2 = Most over hyped game of the decade. It is also the most undeserving of the hype.

    Oh and whoever called MW2 realistic made gag a little. It's actually one of the least realistic fps.

  10. I agree completely!
  11. #11 ballparkmanatee, Jan 20, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 20, 2010
    Eh, in his defense he said MORE realistic, which compared to Halo isnt really saying much.

    but yeah, like somebody said earlier, I enjoy the single player aspects of CoD a lot more than the multiplayer. I guess because I've been a fan of Call of Duty since the first one came out, and that one had one of my favorite single players in a shooter (Russian Campaign was the most intense thing ever at the time).
    The multiplayer in MW2 is too much about luck. Its all about beings at the right place at the right time and that turned me off after awhile.
    And besides the maps blow.
  12. Its about as realistic as halo.
  13. And how do you suggest they fix that? Thought detection so they can place you at the exact spot you want to be?
  14. How about make the multiplayer take some sort of thought instead of just running around like a chicken with no head.
  15. I agree, way overhyped..I had a strong feeling this time around the game would try too hard to overcome COD4 and they made it worse by making it more "noob-friendly" if you will. All I can say is I cannot wait until Battlefield: Bad Company 2. Now that is a game to get hyped about! :smoking:
  16. More health would be nice.
    It takes barely any shots to kill somebody. You have no chance to retaliate in any way, so every death feels kinda cheap.
    More health would be less realistic but so what? I ain't looking for realism in multiplayer especially in call of duty.
    I'm no game designer though, so maybe that'd ruin the "flow" of the game or make it too much like halo or whatever.
  17. I just meant that it was more of a realistic type war game compared to halo. The guns and how you die so quickly were mainly what i was talking about. That's why i prefer my halo though, i think it adds a bit more strategy with the shield and everything that you have. Can't just run out and pop someone twice with a machine gun and they're down. Not to mention the range of different game modes to play online (king of the hill, straight slayer, team games, multi team, a bunch of other random playlists that show up). I know COD has headquarters and everything, but i never really got into all that.
  18. Have you been to war, experienced battle, been shot at, call in UAV's, been in an attack helicopter, or called in a tactical nuke? No, I honestly dont think you have. Whats the most realistic FPS then?

  19. you wanna see what war is actually like?

    [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uslQ6tp6FPg]YouTube - Counter ambush in Iraq[/ame]

    god damn americans, freaking the fuck out. Thought they were trained to HANDLE situations like these? Ridiculous.

    Pretty funny though, the guy yelling GET SOME GET SOME! LOL, gets me every time.
  20. How does that describe to me what war is like? Did i ask you what war was like? Nice way to evade the question with an un-entertaining and uninformative video. I reallly appreciate it. Now can you answer my question?

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