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What's the best way to remove concentrate from ceramic container?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by SwagginDragon420, Oct 13, 2023.

  1. I just completed my second batch of QWISO using all my trim and I'd like to know how to get my concentrate out of the crock pot I used for purging. The first batch I made turned out more like Rick Simpson Oil than the dabs I was wanting so I'm probably gonna use my pyrex dish of oil for a half pound of cannabutter. For my second batch I just poured my iso solution into the ceramic pot of a 2qt crock pot and now I need to figure out the best way to get it all out.

    I also learned a lot my first batch. I put my trim in a Magic Bullet and turned it to dust, I let my trim sit in iso for too long, I didn't use a screen to remove plant material and skipped straight to running it through a coffee filter which lead to more time soaking in iso, I tried not heat purging and just left it to sit out with a shirt covering and fan blowing over it for a week and ended up tasting iso when I smoked it, when I did heat purge it I guess I burnt it because it tastes like when you burn bud in a dry herb vape (or light bulb vaporizer when I was a teenager). Overall it resulted in a smoke that gets you high but it's unpleasant to get there so I fixed all of that and my second batch is so much better.

    I would upload a picture of each but every time I try it says there's an error on the picture for the second batch.
  2. Those residues will be "etched" into the ceramic coating, maybe try sonicating it isopropyl alcohol o/n, but chlorophyll and other plant pigments are easily etched onto ceramics, that's one reason why ancient Chinese artistic colored antique bowls are still around.
  3. It sounds like you've been on quite the journey with your QWISO experiments.
  4. A tongue like Gene Simmons couldn't hurt.

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