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What's the best thing that's ever happened to you while stoned?

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by gromky, Jan 26, 2010.

  1. Ok, mine's kind of cheesey and romantic, but oh the fuck well. I was hanging out on New Year's Eve with this girl I like, and we were all drinking and toking like mad. A couple hours into the festivities, she crawls out her bedroom window and pulls me along, and we do that whole standing hug/cuddle-and-sway thing for a while, and she was rambling about how she wanted to be together and all, which I love. I'm a total hopeless romantic, so I was elated, to say the least. So after doing that for a while and kissing a bit, we all go up on the roof and smoke a blunt. After the rest of the group leaves her and myself up there, she spends like 2 hours singing to me (again, corny as hell. But I loved it). And at the end of the party, we cuddled. It was nice.

    So, I'm sure we've all had a relatively amazing day while baked, so let's hear your stories!

    And no making fun of my mushy girly feelings :(
  2. That's really nice man, no one should make fun of you. I like all that stuff too

    Best thing that's ever happened to me was probably a sleepover at my friends when I was 16, we had a bunch of people over including a bunch of girls. I had smoked a ton and was baked like hell, but no one else was so they all fucked with me. Then this girl I like and her sister come over with a bunch of booze and me and her hit it off that night because we ditched all the drunk kids into my friends locked room.

    Kinda have to leave out the details after that, but that night was one of the best old high school memories I have :D
  3. Finding $800 in the hallway of a hotel at 3am to split between me & 3 other best friends :D
  4. My girl friend and i walking though a park smoking... then after we got done roastin the bowl.. we walked off the path and i got me some real good head.. hahha

  5. Diggin the story, I can relate to "mushy girly feelings"
    I've always been sensative, just learned to deal with it. I could go on forever about this, lets just say i dont mind.

    now, the best thing that ever happend to me while high?...
    uhm.. hah I just recall that I lost my virginity sober, fun fact, but.. best thing while high..

    shit I dont know, all I can think of right now is that I just watched a whole bunch of Family Guy episodes.. but that wasn't too positive.. or it didnt feel that way cause I just broke up with my girlfriend.. /vent

    sorry.. sidetracks a motherfcker, but the best thing must be when I tripped on 2c-b (its like xtc with mild visuals, annnd I lived in Sweden on the countryside, which is awefully beautiful, all those trees .. /love, anyway. I went for a walk while trippin', it was christmas and I had found this giant old twig which I made my walking STAFF.
    Anyway, while I was walking at night in the cold outside in nature, it seemed as if there was some ancient energy in this twig which showed itself to my imagination as a person, you could call it an old indian, but it wasnt really indian.. no known culture. He and I got to talking about life, about why we live, how certain things that preoccupied me at the time worked out, how I should deal with them, and it was a very nice talk we had. It made me feel very warm and accompanied.
    anyway, thats the best thing I can remember.

    :wave: have fun with the wall of text over here.

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