Today I was smoking with some friends at a pond and when we got up one of my friends picked up a random mushroom and ate it to try and get high and he gave the other half to me who I gave to my other friend cause I thought they were pretty retarded. At first I thought they were just trying to make me cluck cause I was on acid but then he actually just ate the damn thing... So what are some strange/stupid times you've had with friends
Well this wasn't me....but one time my friends and I were on a frozen lake for the night and one friend took his shoes and socks off and threw them in the woods, then tried to dig a hole in the ice with his morning he had to go to the hospital for frostbite on 3 toes... wait that wasn't weed....
Getting into a wrestling match with my cousin over pizza he fell down and about 30 seconds later he stands up asking why he woke up on the floor
Once we found a bag full of lacrosse balls on the side of the road and went around driving around throwing them at houses. SMH.